Led by Freddy J IV (aka Joe Evans) on vocals and slide guitar, with Pete Dio on drums & assorted other junk, and birthed in either Fort Wayne, IN or Hades depending on who you ask, Left Lane Cruiser whips up a frenzied mess of trashed-out punk/blues. The Duo has seen 10 years, 8 albums, and so many tours both in the U.S. and overseas, if you ask them; they likely can't remember. They also are one of Alive Records flagship artists, Home to such artists as Radio Moscow, Buffalo Killer, The Black Diamond Heavies and formerly The Black Keys.
20 Watt Tombstone is not out to dazzle anyone, their mission is simple. Play music they and their fans like, and do it loud!
Formed in 2012 in Wausau,WI, The band quickly formed a friendship with kindred spirits "Left Lane Cruiser", who heavily influenced the band's sound. This album is four years in the making, and was recorded live at 7711 Studios in Milwaukee (Where 20 Watt recorded their first album "Wisco Disco"). Once again, no patch ins, no pitch correction were used. Just four dudes in a room playing loud and recording whatever came out.