Agradarão aos fãs?
Serão bem recebidos e ouvidos mundo afora?
Todos sabemos de histórias mil de caras que se uniram e deram com os famosos "burros n'agua"; e aí ficaram marcados e estigmatizados pela vida afora; apesar que aqui vejo dois um pouco mais fracos que os outros na questão carreira: Jason Bohan que carrega o nome do "Moby Dick" nas costas e apesar de ser um puta de um batera não conseguiu o respeito devido e Derek Sherenian que tem uma história tocando com Tia Alice, Kiss e Dream Theater apesar de preferí-lo em sua carreira solo onde sempre reúne monstros da música a ele.
Como disse desses quatro, Joe Bonamassa que já se fixou no Blues com sua virtuosidade, carisma e respeito e Glenn Hughes, inimitável ao ponto de ser chamado de "The Voice" e com uma carreira de sucesso; os que menos poderiam ser afetados.
O que não significa nada no famoso mundo em que vivemos.
Mas o que tenho acompanhado é um efervescência em torno do trabalho que vi poucas e até o do Iron Maiden com toda máquina que pôde usar não conseguiu o poder de fogo que eles estão tendo; não fosse isso não estaria até este simples lobo andarilho divulgando tb a música que baixei e gostei muito.
Ao meu ver, essa união vem pra dar certo, egos e idades já controlados, relacionamentos mais tranquilos e os quatro tem tudo pra vingarem, particularmente torço pra isso e aguardo mesmo ansioso e é tanta a ansiedade que pra aqueles que ainda não baixaram, deixei de onde baixei o link, tirem suas próprias conclusões, e tb um belo release sobre tudo que rola.
Baixe a amostra grátis do trabalho dos caras aqui: BCC .
Site Oficial: BBC

Back in February Glenn Hughes explained to me that the album he was recording with Jason Bonham, Joe Bonamassa and Derek Sherinian was ‘’A big rock statement’’. He went on to say ‘’This is the real thing the right thing to do at the right time.’’
Having been afforded an exclusive preview of the Black Country Communion album due for release here via Mascot Records on September 20th, well Glenn has been true to his word. The album is jam packed with quality rock songs and arrangements that collectively showcases each musician. The commitment and intent the band have brought to proceedings is evident from the off.
Opening track ‘’Black Country’’ kicks in at frantic ‘‘Kill The King’’ speed periodically stopping off for Glenn to soulfully inform ‘’I’m going back to the Black Country- I am a messenger’’. Joe comes in with some suitably high tempo riffola and soloing while Jason’s all over the tom toms and tympani. A call and response episode and a torrid final Bonamassa blast brings to a close a most impressive opening track.
Other highlights:
‘’One Last Soul’’ carries a funky melodic edge with an effective Jason fill as it all kicks in. Joe’s lyrical soloing adds to the overall effect of a track that reminded me of early of 90’s UK melodic rockers Midnight Blue. Jason has the utmost regard for timekeeping on ‘’The Great Divide’’ keeping it ticking tight throughout. There’s more precision axe work from Joe and Derek gets in a swirling organ. ‘’Down Again’’ is a riff led affair with upfront echo vocals from Glenn. This posseses a Bad Companyish swagger and another succulent Bonamassa solo. The effective coda has Jason pushing behind the beat in typically Black Country fashion.

Both ‘’Sista Jane’’ and the closing track ‘’Too Late For The Sun’’ have Joe and Glenn sharing vocals effectively – the former features Jason on those familiar Bonham patented bass drum couplets and an organ coda from Derek, while the latter at over eleven minutes develops into a drawn out jam that finds each of the musicians blowing out in a manner that was the custom on a plethora of 1970s rock albums.
But this is no exercise in mere retro rock. This album carries a definite contemporary edge aided considerably by Kevin Shirley’s wide screen production that allows each musician the space to breathe and contribute fully. Yes there’s also a real groove to it but as Glenn said, with a Bonham involved that’s to be expected. Jason puts in a performance that emphasises why he was such an integral part of the success of the Led Zeppelin 02 reunion show.
As Glenn revealed earlier in the year: ‘’ It’s current not old or heritage. It’s like Zep were called metal but they weren’t really metal. It’s that heavy and light and shade thing so we’ve got lot’s of groove on it. It’s really designed to be a classic modern album. We are not wanting to be heritage. I want to be clear here we are making a rock album. I get a chance to sing – really sing rock again rather than holding back.’’

Dave Lewis – June 28th 2010
Obs: Os textos estão assinados, as fotos são da net, o link do superdownloads, mas a montagem do post é do lobo doido aqui,rs