É, parece que o velho lobo tá deixando de ser preguiçoso e olha que nem o pc tá ajudando,rs
Não é choradeira não, mas como todo lobo tenho lá minhas manias e qdo o pc não está como gosto, testo programas, instalo, desinstalo e vou indo até que de tanto fuçar bagunço tudo e ao invés de ficar me torturando, restauro tudo do zero (o que tá muito fácil agora com o 7, antes com o vista eram 4 hs pra começar a atualizar e agora em meia hora já começou e vc já tá usando a máquina).
O único incoveniente é que vc não pode fazer nada enquanto não ficar pronto e aí pensando me lembrei deste show que é dos melhores que já vi deles, depois da separação.
Ficou sim um clima muito estranho no palco, nas entrevistas, enfim em tudo a volta de Greg Lake; admito que meu ídolo maior se tornou um "chato de galocha" ao ponto de até antipático com o público ser, o que Palmer e Lake compensam e muito.
Não é por isso que perdeu seu talento não!!!!
Continua comandando o trio com mão forte, mas um pouco distante e até soa um pouco frio, profissional demais, inglês demais sabem?
Mas reafirmo, que depois da separação, este é um dos melhores que vi prq contei acima a parte ruim logo de cara, não tô vendendo nada mesmo e simplesmente se estivesse teria de ser sincero; mas a parte boa é muito, mas muito melhor mesmo inclusive nas perfomances de Keith Emerson tocando ora deitado no chão, ou em cima do piano e até de costas pro teclado.

Carl Parlmer me recordou prq gostava tanto dele e o que os diferencia tanto do Triumvirat, e é seu toque refinado mesmo qdo está arrebentando com suas baquetas; aí é que se mostra mais técnico e profissional do que nunca apesar de fazer um bom tempo que este show foi feito.
Já o Lake ao meu ver e apesar da idade, continua único em seu timbre vocal e na forma de conduzir aquele baixo tradicional ao extremo que parece até simplório de se fazer, mas se vc tiver um violão que seja, tente acompanhá-lo,rs.
Greg Lake é pra mim (e pra meio mundo eu sei) a marca do Crimson, e a assinatura do ELP; claro que só ele não fez o mesmo sucesso e nem alcançou o mesmo destaque, mas ele além de tocar e cantar muito, compõe e conseguiu participar de duas das maiores bandas do rock progressivo de todos os tempos.
Só o Wetton chegou tão perto, e talvez por sua facilidade em se adaptar tenha migrado com tanta facilidade pra vertentes mil e sempre ficado em evidência, enquanto Lake manteve seu estilão; o que não o diminui em nada, só que o deixou meio que envelhecido ao meu ver, mas não consigo deixar de vibrar com cada nota dessa banda e cada vocal, tudo feito por eles três juntos, sim prq juntos são insuperáveis.
Emerson, Lake and Palmer: “Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Live at Montreux”
If you manage to take anything away from “Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Live at Montreux,” which might be a hefty task in itself, take away the fact that no matter what it is, 1985 or 1997, when this live show was filmed, Carl Palmer is an exceptionally talented drummer.
To tell you the truth, this DVD might be better left for those who appreciate sheer talent behind a drum set over any other facet of a live performance, and it’s those enthusiasts who will enjoy this release the most.
And speaking in truths still, if you do not know much about Emerson, Lake and Palmer and their massively talented back catalog, “Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Live at Montreux” might be right up your alley, because serious fans of the trio might be quicker to pass this off as dreadful in more ways than one.
A lot of things about “Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Live at Montreux” just manage to feel off, most notably the vocals and keyboards.
Greg Lake seems to labor through some of the vocal numbers, though he makes up somewhat with his excellent acoustic guitar playing, and you can tell Emerson gets lost at the points where his speed on the keys picks up.
And that’s not even mentioning the portion of the show that sees Emerson introduce an old organ to the stage. The quality of the on-stage product aside, the quality of the DVD itself is mostly suspect, as parts of “Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Live at Montreux” tend to come off as a bootleg or audience recording, and not soundboard or master.
“Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Live at Montreux” isn’t completely hard to watch, but it can be a pain at times. But even with all of its pitfalls and shortcomings, casual fans of ELP should pick up a copy, for nostalgia purposes or to reminisce, either or, even if you can tell that this band is awake well beyond their bedtime.
Emerson, Lake, and Palmer are a British progressive rock group that formed in 1970 and consisted of Keith Emerson on keyboards, Greg Lake on bass guitar, and Carl Palmer on drums. Early on during their formation, there was some interest by guitarist Jimi Hendrix being involved in the band before his untimely death.
During the 1970's the band, also known as ELP, had a string of six albums that were released over a four year period that secured the band's position as superstars of the time. While they disbanded in 1979, there were later incarnations that continued to perform, but it was not until 1991 that they reformed as a whole and began recording again. Their final tours were in 1996, 1997, and 1998.
Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Live At Monteux 1997 was recorded at the Monteux Jazz Festival that takes place in Switzerland every year in July. Obviously this is not the ELP from their heyday, but the band and the quality of their music is very good and they are still able to bring it to the stage.
As it seems with every aging band who has not been continually touring, ELP has what I call the mini-skirt moment when, like the grandmother who wears a skirt too short for her age, they look a little silly.
Keith Emerson pulling his old broken down Hammond organ down on top of himself to play it backwards is one of those moments. Yes, it is cool to see him playing it backwards, but it just seems out of place.
The video is recorded in 1080i/60 and presented in 1.78:1 with an AVC/MPEG-4 encoding. While it may not be the sharpest in high defintion, the overall presentation is very clear for a recording from this time period.
The sound is DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and to me it sounded quite clear. The keyboards perhaps could have been blended a little back into the mix, but since they are the overall central focus, I can live with it.
As far as any extras, this to me was a disappointment. It seems that over the last 30 years there could have been some interviews, out-takes, or other such material that could have presented a more well-rounded picture of the band.
That being said, I found Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Live At Montreux 1997 to be a very enjoyable experience and will definitely watch it when the mood hits. If you are a fan of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and want to experience the live feel that Blu-ray provides, then I think that this presentation is worth the time.
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Music tabs (tablatures)
Search EMERSON LAKE & PALMER Live At Montreux 1997 (DVD) tabs
Line-up / Musicians
- Keith Emerson / keyboards
- Greg Lake / guitar, bass, vocals
- Carl Palmer / drums, percussion
Comprised of NICE's keyboard player Keith Emerson , KING CRIMSON's bassist Greg Lake , and the ATOMIC ROOSTER's drummer Carl Palmer , 1970s supergroup EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER crafted expansive, near-orchestral prog-rock influenced by jazz and classical music.
Disbanding in 1979 and embarking on various solo careers, the trio reunited in the 1990s to produce a new album, "Black Moon", for which they toured extensively in 1997.
This concert captures EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER at the Montreux Jazz Festival that same year, performing a career-spanning selection of songs that includes "Karn Evil 9," "Hoedown," "Lucky Man," "Tarkus," "Fanfare for the Common Man," and many more.
DVD/Video, released in 2004
Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Introduction by Claude Nobs
2. Karnevil 9 - 1st Impression, Part 2
3. Tiger In The Spotlight
4. Hoedown
5. Touch And Go
6. From The Beginning
7. Knife Edge
8. Bitches Crystal
9. Dance Creole
10. Honky Tonk Train Blues
11. Take A Pebble
12. Lucky Man
13. Tarkus/Pictures At An Exhibition
14. Medley:
- Fanfare For The Common Man
- Rondo
- Carmina Burana
- Carl Palmer: Drum Solo
- Toccata In D Minor
Total Time: ±90 minutes