Bem, o Omar é um caso quase parecido, sempre faz um charme danado; possuidor de um vasto material e conhecedor profícuo de muita coisa já me presenteou com obras fantásticas que foram entregues em minha porta (e lá caverna de lobo tem porta? mas tudo bem vai....)só que de vez em quando ele dá umas sumidas e aí já sei que tenho de procurá-lo pelo caribe ou nassau, sei lá algum lugar desses onde ele vai com sua bela Crys ficar bem longe de mim,rs.
Aí depois de intensas negociações com seus empresários, fico aguardando o que vai aparecer e se vai é claro, e de repente não mais que de repente, pipoca o correio da selva e lá vem mais um presente pra nós; e este ainda veio com advertências que descrevo:
- Atenção seu lobo desorientado (ele sempre é muito carinhoso comigo, acho que é amor,rs) o material está completo inclusive com capas pra que vc não precise perder tempo e dizer que colaborou com meu trabalho.
- Simplesmente poste o que envio e pare de ficar dando pitaco onde não é chamado (o que fica claro que não consigo e aqui estou narrando os devidos fatos,rs).
- Espero que goste mas o que importa é o bom gosto dos frequentadores da alcatéia!!!
Bem, depois destas e outras recomendações, aqui está mais um post compartilhado pelo nosso querido Omar, que brinco e provoco como o Celso, o Poucosiso, ZM e outros tantos por carinho amizade e respeito e que não fosse a dedicação e o amor pela música esse barraco teria fechado de há muito.
Chega de papo, leiam o post e baixem o disco.
Omar, sempre grato e feliz por seu carinho e por sua amizade, "mi casa su casa"!!!!

O projeto foi liderado pelo guitarrista Jeff Richman que foi o cérebro por trás de todas as músicas,inclusive pelo convite dos guitarristas participantes do tributo,item no qual foi sumamente feliz.
As músicas foram escolhidas entres os clássicos do Beck e são interpretadas de maneira que pareçam uma homenagem respeitosa e não uma imitação.
Curtir sem moderação.
Abraços a todos
Este Line-Up pareçe um zoológico,SÒ TEM FERA" !!!!!!!!

Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page would go on to greater fame and fortune, while Beck's career has been consistent only in its inconsistency.
Freeway Jam: To Beck and Back - A Tribute is the inevitable tribute spearheaded by guitarist Jeff Richman—who claims Beck as his "all time favorite guitarist —the brains behind other Tone Center tributes including Visions of an Inner Mounting Apocalypse (2005), The Royal Dan (2006) and Viva Carlos! (2006).
As usual, Richman assembled the core group and wrote all the arrangements.
While his choice of guest guitarists has always been astute, here they're truly inspired, and include a few surprises.
Taking classic Beck material ranging from his earliest days with The Yardbirds ("Over Under Sideways Down, "Beck's Bolero ) through his mid-1970s fusion heyday ("Freeway Jam, "Led Boots, "Diamond Dust, "Blue Wind ) to more recent material ("Behind the Veil, "Brush With the Blues ), Richman retains the signatures that made these tunes, regardless of the composer, Beck's tunes, but alters them enough to make them reverent tribute rather than mere imitation. Many of the usual suspects are back.

Steve Morse easily handles Richman's harmonically astute yet no less energetic take on the title track.
Beck could never be accused of going soft, so no matter how sophisticated the playing, every track on Freeway Jam has its own kind of burn.
As strong as the performances are from Richman's usual cadre—including the leader himself, who takes a turn on the four-on-the-floor "El Becko that's the equal of any on the disc—it's the first-timers who stand out, if only because, for the most part, they are all playing out of character.
Chris Duarte and Walter Trout both have reputations as strong blues-rockers, the former demonstrating added breadth on the reggae-tinged "Behind the Veil and the latter greater grit on "Brush With the Blues.
John Scofield, on an unexpectedly funky "Over Under Sideways Down, plays with his characteristically loose, behind-the-bit phrasing, but his ability to navigate Richman's tougher changes over the chorus is what makes him the perfect choice.
Those only familiar with his Criss Cross dates as a leader might find Adam Rogers an odd choice for the equally funky "Led Boots, but anyone who's heard him with Chris Potter or Lost Tribe knows that a more aggressive rock edge is, indeed, part of his rich vernacular.
Beck's own unpredictable career means that there are far fewer preconceptions to be catered to here than on Richman's other tribute albums, making Freeway Jam one of the most enjoyable—if not the most enjoyable—release of the series.
By & © JOHN KELMAN, Published: July 21, 2007 © 2011 All About Jazz and/or contributing writer/visual artist. All rights reserved ©

Steve Morse ("Freeway Jam"), Eric Johnson ("Beck's Bolero"), Warren Haynes ("The Pump"), and Walter Trout (Brush with the Blues").
A different guitarist is featured on each track and each one does a pretty good job of interpreting Beck's nearly inimitable style.
With such a great lineup performing the songs of Jeff Beck, it's almost superfluous to search for favorites.
However, I really enjoy John Scofield's version of the funky "Over Under Sideways Down."
Jeff Richman's version of "El Becko" is pretty great too.
This is the kind of album that makes my job as a reviewer real easy.
I mean, what else can I possibly say about this album?
It's the music of Jeff Beck by ten different guitar greats.
It is a worthy tribute to a classic musician and I'm sure fans of Jeff Beck and fans of great guitar will enjoy this equally. © Gary Schwind © 1998 - 2011 Iconoclast Entertainment Group All rights reserved http://www.antimusic.com/reviews/07/FreewayJam.html
There are some blues numbers on this album, but if you prefer the jazz rock/fusion side to Jeff Beck, then you may enjoy these ten tracks from Jeff Beck's repertoire by some of the best guitarists in the business: Steve Morse, John Scofield, Eric Johnson, Adam Rogers, Jeff Richman, Mike Stern, Warren Haynes, Chris Duarte, Greg Howe, and Walter Trout. A great covers album and VHR by A.O.O.F.C

Lead Guitars - Steve Morse, John Scofield, Eric Johnson, Adam Rogers, Mike Stern, Warren Haynes, Chris Duarte, Greg Howe, Walter Trout
Lead & Rhythm Guitar - Jeff Richman
Stu Hamm - Bass
Mitchel Forman - Keyboards
Simon Phillips, Vinnie Colaiuta - Drums
1 Freeway Jam - Steve Morse - M.Middleton
2 Over Under Sideways Down - John Scofield - Jeff Beck, Chris Dreja, Keith Relf
3 Beck's Bolero - Eric Johnson - J.Page
4 Led Boots - Adam Rogers - M.Middleton
5 El Becko - Jeff Richman - T.Hymas, S.Phillips
6 Diamond Dust - Mike Stern - B.Holland
7 The Pump - Warren Haynes - T.Hymas, S.Phillips
8 Behind The Veil - Chris Duarte - T.Hymas
9 Blue Wind - Greg Howe - J.Hammer Jr.
10 Brush With The Blues - Walter Trout - Jeff Beck, T.Hymas