Fazia tempo que estava atrás deste álbuns, e um antigo colaborador do Dead (CARLOS) as enviou... Ao fazer a postagem, percebi que o Dead já as havia publicado, porém os links já não funcionavam mais. Então, resolvi apresentar este magnífico trabalho do Carl Palmer como um Re-post. Enjoy!
Carl Palmer Band "Working Live, Vol. 01 and 02"

É óbvio que para um lobo nada demais postar o terceiro e depois os dois primeiros, mas para aqueles que aqui já frequentam com a devida paciência nada mais espanta,rs
Realmente como disse no post e ao Carlos eu não conhecia este trabalho e tenho meus motivos, apesar de acompanhar a carreira deles desde o inicio no Nice e etc, houve épocas em que fiquei no limbo musical onde comia ou ouvia algum disco novo, e isso aconteceram várias vezes e vejo que agora estou podendo retomar contato com estes trabalhos.
E mesmo hoje não poderia comprar tudo o que gostaria de possuir e arrumando meus arquivos cheguei aos 600 discos duplos, simples e etc e ainda não estou na metade, mesmo que fosse um lobo triliardário creio que não poderia possuir um arsenal assim não fosse a net; e mesmo que nos queimassem como nas inquisições de todas as religiões não mudaria um mm do que fiz e faço; a bem do quê as religiões deveriam cuidar do espirito de seus seguidores que ajudariam e muito uma sociedade já carcomida por falsos moralismos e falsos líderes.
Sejamos todos felizes realizando os poucos sonhos que ainda nos são permitidos e mais uma vez grato ao Carlos que ainda me mandou mais algumas jóias que postarei em breve.

Personnel: Shaun Baxter (guitar); David Marks (bass guitar).
Recording information: Bilston, England (07/19/2001).
Arrangers: David Marks; Shaun Baxter; Carl Palmer.
Personnel: Carl Palmer (drums); Shaun Baxter (guitar); Dave Marks (bass).
1 Barbarian, The (The 1st Piano Concerto 4th Movement)
2 Enemy God Dances With the Black Spirits
3 L.A. Nights
4 Tank
5 Bullfrog
6 Toccata
7 Canario
8 Drum Solo

Do we enjoy technical virtuosity performed at blinding speed or the use of an instrument to allow the deepest, most soulful expressions of our emotions?
Or is it both?
The Carl Palmer Band walk a thin line of technical virtuosity on their Working Live Vol. 1 and 2.
Palmer is the drummer extraordinaire late of Emerson, Lake and Palmer fame.
The album features a power trio of himself, guitarist Shawn Baxter, and bassist Dave Marks, who re-interpret many of ELP’s classics catalogue on these CD’s.
No one could disagree that this band is tight, consummately professional and brilliantly talented as technicians of their instruments.
But Palmer and his group explore classical works in a more European rock context, which is heavily oriented on electric guitar.
Baxter is a young master when it comes to technique, but he has yet to learn the ability to make his guitar a voice for himself, allowing the listener to appreciate his love for the music he’s playing.
With Baxter, the band sounds a lot like Van Halen playing “Carmina Burana”, “Hoedown”, “Trilogy” and a host of other ELP-inspired takes on classical compositions.
This is fine if you’re into Van Halen and if that’s the direction Palmer had in mind. However, the original classical compositions are trifled with a little too readily by Baxter.
ELP made fresh masterpieces out of the ashes of Aaron Copland, Carl Orff and many others.
ELP’s interpretations express ranges of emotion which are completely missed here. It’s unfortunate because Baxter certainly is gifted enough to play anything but may not yet possess the maturity to explore his own feelings through the pieces ELP so carefully reconstructed for rock audiences.
Palmer consistently shows why he’s considered one of the finest rock drummers in history.
He has developed marvelous tones here, performing quick toccatas with amazing finesse while pounding out a regular bass rhythm that keeps Marks on track.
The drum solos on both disks are filled with tremendous expression as Palmer explores his capacious kit with the use of rolls that alternately flutter with the quiet authority of an eagle’s wing to bombastic, cannon-like pummeling reminiscent of a war-torn battleground.
Palmer has put together a new trio, conscribing guitarist Paul Bielatovitcz and bassist Stuart Clayton. The new Palmer band is tapping a harder-edged, metal progressive rock sound. It will be fascinating to see the results of this new trio’s work.
Your enjoyment of the Working Live CD’s will depend entirely on how you answer the questions posed in the first paragraph.
If you appreciate masterful, blistering guitar runs that are devoid of emotional involvement and Palmer’s ever steady and highly experimental approach to music, then this album is a gem.
But if you prefer music that reaches inside of you and rends the very elements of your spirit, you might want to look towards purchasing the first eponymous ELP album, Tarkus, Brain Salad Surgery or Trilogy
Read more

Photographer: Michael Inns.
Arrangers: Carl Palmer; David Marks; Shaun Baxter.
Personnel: Carl Palmer (drums).
Recording information: England (2003).
1 Hoedown
2 Trilogy
3 J. Section
4 Tarkus & Aquatarakas
5 Carmina Burana
6 Fanfare & Drum Solo

In addition, Palmer is a veteran of a number of famous English bands, including The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Atomic Rooster, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, and Asia. He has also contributed to works by Mike Oldfield
Carl Palmer Band - Working Live Vol 3 (2010) by Carlos

Mais uma vez o Carlos me vem com suas descobertas e cada uma mais difícil do que a outra e não pensem que acho ruim, prq não acho mesmo; é que fico puto da vida qdo vou atrás de informações dos chamados "entendidos" ou "blogs dos blogs" e etc e tal e nem nas majors vc consegue uma informação decente.
Claro que encontro informações de algo que quero postar até em mandarim (acho que forcei agora mas vamos lá...) mas em português?
Em que século estamos?
Porra o Brasil não se emenda mesmo?
Até quando seremos aculturados ou acomodados?
Música é lazer mas é arte também, óbvio, e arte aqui é tratada com desprezo mesmo, prq parece não interessar; e pode ser que eu esteja completamente errado, mas qdo vc digita qualquer bandinha aí de qualquer ritmo vc acha paginas e mais paginas, só que ao digitar algo com um pouco mais de qualidade é como se aparecesse uma luz vermelha e soasse o alarme.
Carl Palmer, simplesmente um dos maiores bateristas de todos os tempos, pertencente aos melhores grupos musicais do mundo e aqui com sua banda (????? juro como não acompanho tanto assim sua carreira receio falar besteira, mas eu nem sabia que ele tinha uma!!!!) num trabalho ao vivo e recente.
Grato Carlos por sua boa vontade mais uma vez, vou ouvir com carinho e já está devidamente postado pra que mais possa como eu ter contato com o trabalho que ele ainda está fazendo.

‘Bitches Crystal’ is the highlight for me in terms of my own bass work. I’ve since stepped down from my job in the band but hopefully this album will be released later this year. The cover shot is the band playing in Tivoli, Italy. Check out the Carl Palmer Band at www.carlpalmer.com

Track review of "Bitches Crystal"
Volume 3 represents the third chapter of celebrated drummer Carl Palmer's reinventions of past group works, including Emerson, Lake and Palmer (ELP).
His technical gifts are legendary, and with this live recording, the drummer instills a distant relative viewpoint of routes previously traversed.
On the ELP favorite "Bitches Crystal," guitarist Paul Bielatowicz re-fabricates an English folk theme into a power-packed rock regimen.
He elevates the primary melody into a brooding, guitar heavy rendition, supported by Stuart Clayton's steely bass lines and Palmer's surging press rolls and polyrhythmic backbeats.
Bielatowicz harmonizes Greg Lake's original vocal track and merges jazzy riffs with psycho hard-rock guitar soloing, where Palmer boosts the attack with massive press rolls and cymbals hits.
The guitar-driven band initiates a contrasting perspective to keyboardist Keith Emerson's polytonal forays during ELP's heyday.

Palmer's unit packs a gargantuan punch, but moderates the diverse flows with adherence to dynamics and tightly-organized unison runs.Arranger: Carl Palmer Band.
Carl Palmer (drums);
Paul Bielatowicz (guitar);
Stuart Clayton (bass guitar).
Photographer: Clay Greene.
1. Peter Gunn / 2. Romeo and Juliet / 3. Pictures at an Exhibition / 4. Bitches Crystal 5. Nutrocker / 6. Moroccan Market
“Working Live – Volume 3” goes way beyond the remit and expectation of the average “live album” – this is a true listening experience.
Carl Palmer (drums);
Paul Bielatowicz (guitar);
Stuart Clayton (bass guitar).
Photographer: Clay Greene.
1. Peter Gunn / 2. Romeo and Juliet / 3. Pictures at an Exhibition / 4. Bitches Crystal 5. Nutrocker / 6. Moroccan Market
“Working Live – Volume 3” goes way beyond the remit and expectation of the average “live album” – this is a true listening experience.