É difícil eu postar algo que eu não saiba exatamente o que é, prq eu pesquiso, conheço, procuro, pergunto, enfim, tento trazer o máximo de informação possível prq sou assim.
Mas este trabalho que o amigo Carlos me passou à meses eu não postei por não conseguir as informações que gostaria; é um fã clube que gira em torno do ELP e sua obra, e este bootleg que virou oficial e esses fãs que viraram banda são uma grande incógnita; claro que existe o site dos caras, o site de cada um, mas deste trabalho específico se tem pouco ou quase nada e resolvi juntar o que consegui e deixar no original pra não perder a qualidade devida.
O som é de boa qualidade e a sonoridade ídem, é ainda um disco raro na net, apesar da venda por eles no site oficial e dele fazer parte do catálogo das majors hj; afinal eles se reúnem todos os anos e comemoram numa festa a união que já conta com uma dezena de participantes, a formação sempre muda, mas o ideal não, homenagear à Keith Emerson e ao ELP, aí está, são apenas 04 faixas da primeira festa que deu origem ao que são hoje.
Exact timings as promised in the CD booklet:
Track 2 - Tarkus/Knife Edge
Half way through the "Stones of Years" solo Keith appears on stage and takes over from Tom at 04:30 until 05:43.
Track 3 - Fanfare/Pictures
Tom starts the intro and then after the Timp rolls - at 01:03 - Keith plays the first part of Fanfare. Tom then takes over for the "Old Castle" at 03:10.
During "Blues Variation" Keith takes over at 05:57 until 07:07 where he hands it back to Tom. Later on, having picked a quiet moment, Keith is to be found round the back of the Hammond for a spot of reverb-spring-twanging - from 11:34 to 12:02. This one took the band totally by surprise as none of us could see him hiding there!
Track 4 - Rondo
Keith appears on stage during Tom's "Italian Concerto" intro and then repeats that intro on synth at 01:07 He then suggests they play "Rondo" together with Tom on Hammond, Keith on synth. At the start of the solo section - at 03:28 - Emo plays "Flight of the Bumblebee" and then Tom repeats it.
By 03:51 Keith is behind the organ and starts the "Toccatta & Fugue" over Tom's descending left hand. He then crosses to the front of the Hammond and it's Emo until 05:14.
From this point it's Tom on Hammond and Keith on synth, throwing quotes back and forth.
After starting the "Rondo reprise" on synthesizer (which was Keith's idea!) Emo plays the "swipes" between Tom's block chords at 11:42 until 11:49 then he's back on the synths to the end. The Emerson, Lake and Palmer tribute band Noddy's Puncture was the brainchild of keyboard wizard Tom Szakaly. He formed the band from the ashes of cult rock band Shanghai.
Tom had decided to forge a band, which would fulfil his own musical ambitions and encompass his love of the music of ELP. Together with Adey McDermott on drums and vocals and Mark Conroy on bass and vocals his band came to fruition and they gradually gained a following playing ELP material together with some rock classics.
Over the coming years the band progressed and earned a reputation amongst many ELP fans and as this reputation grew so did Tom's keyboard pyrotechnics...
At their appearance at the 25th Anniversary Convention in Birmingham in 1995 Noddy's Puncture played a storming set, with a review from the ELP fanzine Impressions writing "Tom Szakaly strode the stage like a colossus..." but as the band's reputation was growing so were internal wranglings, eventually resulting in Adey and Mark leaving the band.

Tom was born in Rochdale, Lancashire.
He started piano lessons at the age of six and continued until the age of seventeen..Tom has been an ardent ELP fan ever since hearing 'Pictures At An Exhibition' when he was fourteen.
He experimented and diversified at home with styles such as 12 bar, Boogie and Jazz, as well as working out his favourite ELP tracks.His first job gave him a background in electronics and by the age of nineteen he had already built his first synthesiser from a kit.
Eventually, financed by his job as a television repairman, a Crumar electronic piano was obtained to supplement the synth.In 1979 working for a new employer, Tom heard that one of his new colleagues was selling a Hammond Organ. This was quickly acquired and together with his 'arsenal' of instruments, Hammond, Electronic Piano, Synth etc.

Steve started playing drums aged 11 and has remained committed to his musical cause ever since. He started listening to hard rock bands but soon took in ELP, Yes, Chick Corea and other progressive/jazz/rock artists.
After school bands his musical path turned towards live performance with rock and pop acts. A love of jazz also grew and he has since been playing regularly with various jazz trios, quartets and big bands around the UK, including The Heavy Quartet.
He also still leads his own outfit, 'The Steve Roberts Band', playing jazz originals penned by himself and arrangements of other pieces, sometimes classical in origin, including one of Ginastera's 'Danzas Argentinas'.
His musical career has taken him all over the UK, Holland, Germany, where he was based with 'The Dostoyevskys' after their European release on BMG: 'Orange' and even a 24 state tour of the USA in 2003/4 with UK band 'They Walk Among Us'. With his technical abilities and dynamic subtleties, he is equally at home within many styles of music, live and in the studio and although working within bands as a member, also plays sessions independently.
He also teaches within schools & privately.

Graham's musical career commenced at the age of 12, after his father taught him the rudiments of guitar playing, and introduced him to the wonders of the Bert Weedon songbook. Growing up in Liverpool during the 60's it was impossible to ignore the influence of the Beatles on his musical direction, and the band output (together and individually) remain a favourite to this day.
His musical tastes developed to take in the rock genre, and bands such as Free, Zeppelin and Deep Purple started making their way onto his turntable.
In 1972 a school mate brought around an album featuring a mythical tank/armadillo character on its cover and after the third play, Graham was hooked on the power of progressive rock and (more specifically) Emerson, Lake and Palmer.
Graham has been working with EMP (E-Music Project) - a group of talented musicians located in the USA who record and produce covers of ELP and Beatles tracks over the Internet.
So far Graham has provided vocals on most of the bands ELP covers, as well as playing guitar on 'Lucky Man' and 'I Believe in Father Xmas'.
He has built a home studio which he uses to record his daughter and other artists, as well as to produce his own music.

Thank you Masked Man, Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!