Tenho algumas coisas que considero pertinentes pra dizer sobre este disco:
1- Dificílimo de achar a não ser pra comprar em vinyl nos sebos eletronicos ou na edição japa.
2- Confuso prq o nome dele (do álbum que saiu à frente do nome do artista e do artista que não era o nome que deveria constar!!!) conforme a biografia abaixo saiu errado neste álbum maravilhoso o que confundiu mais ainda o todo.
3- Ele está incluído na seara até de progressivos mas é um disco de rock ao meu ver e ouvir e a gravadora não soube o que fazer tanto que até o nome do cara eles trocaram quem dirá o nicho em que incluir.
4- Keith Moon participou de tantos trabalhos como este que pelo pouco que pesquisei sua carreira paralela se equipara quase à do Who e um disco deste pra mim é preferível ao Who em todos os quesitos guardadas as proporções do que se fazia à época do lançamento.
5- Cria ser muito difícil o trabalho que não consigo achar e sempre recorro à equipe de apoio que é paga a peso de ouro pra garimpar horas a fio e trazer pra cá trabalhos como este.
Mas confesso que este foi realmente mérito total do "Celso Loos" prq fiz de tudo e nada, como ainda faço com o G3 Korea que ainda busco e o RX with John Wetton que já temos em vídeo do youtube mas o vídeo na íntegra, nada.
6- "Aviso": vc vai encontrar alguns defeitos de gravação (alertado pelo próprio Celso Loos), mas não perde a qualidade em nada deste trabalho que insisto é raro, não rola em blogs do ramo, é confuso desde a sua história qto mais de seus integrantes mas é uma aula de música do começo ao fim e aqui são 16 músicas pra se divertir com músicos fantásticos, uma suber banda.
7-DAVE CARLSEN Pale Horse (2007 Japanese exclusive limited edition 12-track 24-Bit digitally remastered CD album, originally released on the legendary Spark label in 1973, includes guest contributions from Keith Moon, Noel Redding & Spencer Davis,presented in sealed mini LP-style card sleeve + obi strip).
8- Keith Moon é um dos melhores bateras que já vi tocar até hoje e não tanto reverenciado como outros que nem perto passam, por isso os detalhes em relação à ele.

* The Who
* Pete Townshend
* Roger Daltrey
* John Entwistle
* The Beachcombers
* Jeff Beck
* Dave Carlsen
* Bo Diddley
* Flash Fearless
* Roy Harper
* Mike Heron
* John Lennon
* Nilsson
* Screaming Lord Sutch
* The Beatles
* And More...

Clarke started playing piano at the age of 4 and guitar at 9. His first record in 1963 (at the age of 15) was produced by Luigi Creatore at New York’s Roulette Records. Often confused with his Dave Clark Five namesake, his 1971 solo album Pale Horse saw him temporarily renamed as Dave Carlsen. The album featured Keith Moon and Noel Redding.
He also auditioned for David Bowie at the Lyceum in 1971 but didn’t go on the Ziggy Stardust Tour.
Clarke formed The Noel Redding Band with Noel, Les Sampson and Eric Bell – after false starts with Pete Kircher, Mickey Gee and Mick Taylor - two singles, two albums on RCA (Clonakilty Cowboys and Blowin')[1] and four major US tours. Another album was eventually released later on Dave’s own Mouse Record label. He then formed White Line with Jimmy McCulloch and his brother Jack, releasing two singles and one album.
Clarke met Carl Wilson and Bruce Johnston in London in 1977 and went to California on the Beach Boys payroll. He formed a band in Los Angeles with members of Spirit, Jo Jo Gunne and The Undisputed Truth - all Clarke’s songs, some of which were later released on his second solo album under the name The Dream Machine. Jimmy McCulloch instigated another new LA band featuring Jim, Dave, Carl Wilson and Terry Kath. Terry died prematurely, the band would soon follow. Songwriter throughout for Southern Music, ATV Music, Screen Gems and Heath-Levy.
Dave Clarke joined the Royal Navy in 1979 and after active service in the Falklands War and elsewhere, retired as Commander in 1992. He then set up Mouse Records and formed Shut Up Frank with Mick Avory, Noel Redding, Jim Leverton, Richard Simmons and Dave Rowberry.
He collaborated on and off with Tim Rose from 1974 until Tim’s death in 2002, including shows in Ireland and England and three albums.
He has been lead singer and lead guitarist with The Kast Off Kinks since 1994.
1.^ Ruhlmann, William. "Review: Clonakilty Cowboys/Blowin' ". Allmusic. Retrieved 11 July 2010.

1. Silver Wings
2. Collage Girl
3. It’s Not Begun
4. Take This Song
5. Stay By My Side
6. Death On A Pale Horse
7. Sooner Or Later
8. There Goes The Night
9. Sad Eyed Lady
10. Big Joke
11. Take Me Back
12. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry
No-one packages a CD album quite like the Japanese.
Known as a culture for elaborate and excessive packaging, their approach to the CD album is no exception.
From the visual delights of the artwork and packaging, to the content itself, you will without doubt get your money's worth here. The inclusion of the famous 'obi-strip' not only adds a uniquely intriguing aspect, but is also a great marketing tool for the Japanese labels.
The term 'obi-strip' is derived from the name of the piece of wide fabric - the obi - that a geisha woman wears around her waist over the traditional Kimono dress. An amazing amount of information is packed onto this little wraparound piece of paper, often noting special tracks, concert dates, discography information and release anniversaries.
And, as this information is intended to be read in the home market, it’s all printed in Japanese kanji and ~kana script! Whilst they are safely sealed on new release CD’s they are often discarded once opened, so they should be considered a real bonus when intact on out-of-print CD’s.
In recent years we have seen the obi-strip occasionally replaced with a sleeve sticker, no less attractive and equally unique to the Japanese pressing.
Japanese CD albums often benefit from extra music and new video-style content, to further entice the Japanese public to buy their native release and not an import.
Non-album tracks and exclusive mixes often feature and there are a huge amount of 'Japan-Only' releases that do not have an equivalent release elsewhere in the world. Japanese pressings will nearly always include a lyric booklet or fold-out lyric sheet.
These are dual-language, printed in both the ~kana script and in English, the latter often having some wonderful mis-translations!"
これはSpencer Davis、Henry McCullough、Keith Moon、Noel Redding等が参加している英国SSW:DAVE CARLSENのソロアルバム。3~14までがアルバム収録曲で、残りはCDのボートラ。
ノエル・レディング・バンドにDAVE CARLSENというメンバーはいたかなあ?とCDのライナーを見ると、DAVID CLARKEというのがありました。2人とも、作曲して、歌って、ピアノを弾く。声を聴き比べると何となく似ているし、写真を見比べると、ノエル・レディング・バンド/1stの真ん中の白い服を着ている人と、DAVE CARLSENのCDの裏ジャケに載っている人の顔が、似ているじゃありませんかあ!!!(スティーヴ・ウィンウッドにちょっと似ている)
ネットで調べても詳細はわからずで、確証はありませんが、DAVE CARLSEN=DAVID CLARKEで多分間違いないでしょう。しかし、この出品者の知識はすごいなあ、ビックリです。まあ、普通のロックファンにはどうでもいいことなんですが、僕的にはトリビアもんでした(笑)°