Eu que não meto minha pata peluda nesse assunto.
É óbvio que uma banda dessas tem tudo pra dar certo ou quase tudo, e "quase" sempre vem dos mesmos, sempre vem dos descontentes e etc e tal.
Se o GH se junta ao Bonamassa tudo bem, mas se eles não viram o Joe no palco, se nunca assistiram à um show do cara pisaram na bola feio.
Postei uma época aqui um dele que dá até raiva de assistir prq tudo é ele; câmeras rodando nele, canta, toca, brinca com os pais e amigos na platéia, mas tudo é e gira em torno dele.
Joe Bonamassa é um outside, um offroad, ele não se encaixa com ng mesmo, é dele isso é de seu temperamento e pronto.
Puta blueseiro, mas muito estrela pro meu gosto.
Quer bater frente com o Glenn Hughes, faça metade do que ele fez de carreira e tente, se gostam ou não aqui não vem ao caso é questão de carreira mesmo, com quem tocou, qto tocou e onde chegou, pra baixo e pra cima.
Jason infelizmente foi queimado pela própria covardia do Zep em voltar, mas é sim um batera a altura do pai e eles que não estavam com saco de fazer som com ele, foram lançando trabalhos aqui e ali como se não tivessem compromissos, assim não precisariam chamar John P Jones e nem o Jason, mas era tudo do Zep.
Puta de um baterista, talvez um dos melhores da atualidade.
Derek é uma incógnita pra mim, não vejo nada demais, mas tb não vejo de menos, não é um gênio mas não deixa a desejar, então deixa quieto.
O som desses caras é duca, e se aprenderem a se respeitar nós ganhamos senão, novos caminhos pra todos e pronto.
Valeu Poucosiso, belo post que faz tempo era pra ter trazido, chegou a vez, gracias.
Os rumores estão ai.
Parece que este será o último trabalho do BCC.
Quem acompanha de perto, pode acompanhar o desentendimento e troca de alfinetadas entre GH e JB, pelo twitter.
- Glenn, o Bonamassa quer cantar tbm :)
Confesso que não acreditava quando ouvia aqui e ali, no lançamento da banda, que seria uma banda de vida curta... espero que não.
Mas estamos ai lendo e parece que já acabou.
E como não vi ainda em blogs este disco, to postando a ripagem em mp3.
Espero que eles se entendam e nos tragam mais alegrias e shows para o Brasil.
Vida longa ao Black Country Communion!
Afterglow is the hard/blues rock supergroup’s 3rd outing together in as many years since the group’s debut in 2010, but despite their swift song writing the group’s previous efforts received a positive reception, and Afterglow proves to be no exception. The Anglo-American group’s well established style of hard and blues rock is expanded upon as the record delves into slightly darker tones and lyrics to mix in with the Deep Purple and Zeppelin influenced infectious riffs and bluesy feel. The album overall shows an advancement of style, but the introduction of metal-inspired aspects may divide opinions. However, if reports of the band’s feuding and imminent break-up do turn out to be true, the aptly named Afterglow will allow the band’s existence to end with prowess and true rock ’n’ roll style.
The album opens blistering with rapid drums supporting matching chords and bass in typical BCC style, ‘Big Train’ with Glenn Hughes’ unique voice completing the sound as expected, but the album only progresses and grows from there. The album eases through the stomping riff of ‘This Is Your Time’ and the Who-esque ‘Midnight Sun’ into the album’s lead single ‘Confessor’. This ballsy, upbeat number – while sitting in an album bathed in variation – sits very firmly in hard rock, but still manages to be one of the stronger tracks, boasting impressive guitar and keyboard solos and a style that makes you want to move, whether you choose tap your feet or throw yourself around in a crowd. The song is ideal as the album’s lead single, while not being the pick of the album it is a strong advert for the band’s style, inspiring memories of the days rock dominated popular music and the uninspiring drone of modern ‘pop’ couldn’t even have been imagined.
The album’s greatest virtue is its variety. Vocals, tone, style and everything in between gets mixed up between or even in songs. Packed with riffs aplenty, virtuoso solos and strong vocals, it could be every inch the typical rock record. But it is not afraid to add in the mellow guitars, gentle tones and sensitivity that many groups would be ashamed to even consider including, whilst mixing in darker lyrics and a stronger sound in other places. The title track ‘Afterglow’ is a perfect example of this, managing to transform between verse and chorus moving from a haunting, almost depressive sound to the heavy riff and shrieking vocals of the chorus. The longest song of the collection ‘The Circle’ also shows a very dark side of Hughes’ lyrical and songwriting style that manages to stay with you even when changing between the contrasting sections of this meaningful number. More blues-influenced sounds are present too, with the only song featuring Bonamassa’s vocals ‘Cry Freedom’, which is graced with duelling vocals from Hughes and Bonamassa which provide yet more diversity to the record.
The effort (whilst sadly making less use of guitarist Joe Bonamassa’s bluesy voice), is more collective than the group’s first two albums, with the drums of Jason (son of Zeppelin drummer John) Bonham and the keys of Derek Sherinian take a more prominent role. This is most evident in the instrumentally focused ‘Common Man’, where the rhythm of the drums provides the backbone for the entire song, while the keyboards also take a step forward linking in with the main riff and having a strong solo. This greater togetherness on the album helps to flush out the sound and bring out a more distinctive impact.
Afterglow is definitely a different experience to the previous two albums Black Country Communion has put together, and this development of style is a welcome one and adds to the sonic repertoire the group is capable of using. The album is short of perfection and not all the songs can quite deliver the same effect as highlights such as ‘Confessor’ and ‘The Circle’, but the record undoubtedly is a strong addition to the catalogue of BCC. Despite the mystery surrounding the future of the band, the record sounds like an effort that looks forward and shows willingness to grow and change. The album is a strong piece, dragging the rapidly ageing style of blues and hard rock into relevance in the 21st century, and hopefully if the group remains together, there is more to come.
Mostrando postagens com marcador Black Country Communion. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Black Country Communion. Mostrar todas as postagens
22 de jan. de 2013
24 de nov. de 2011
Black Country Communion "Live Over Europe" (dvdrip)

Sabe que ainda lembro do tempo da net que pra baixar um disco deixava ligado a noite e de madruga ia lá tinha quebrado a porra da conexão e perdido todo um trabalho e toque a começar de novo pra tentar obter um objeto de desejo.
Sei que hoje tá muito mais fácil e as conexões (menos essas merdas de 3g, credo) estão mais rápidas, vc consegue até em horários vampirescos dependendo do tráfego baixar discos e mais discos, filmes inteiros e etc e tal e os tais gerenciadores que tantos criticam são uma mão na roda.
Saí ontem e deixei dois filmes baixando no JDownloader, na volta estavam lá direitinho prq até reconectar ele faz pra vc, os outros eu acho uma puta salada e bagunçam meu pc, aceito o FRD que tb é bom e começei por ele, mas de todos que testei esse indico e indico prq é free, é só baixar, aqui não vendo porra nenhuma e se quisesse ganhar grana teria outros meios que me proveriam muito mais do que bannerzinhos pra enganar trouxa e os tais adsenses, bem isso é de cada um, mas isso sim é pirataria ganhar com algo que não é seu.
Voltando ao Poucodoido, qdo a rosca num espana ele vai atrás dos pedidos e raridades pra gente e normalmente qdo acha, acha em dvd9, ou no mínimo em dvd normal, por muitas vz quebrado ou com defeito e isso qdo acha.

Mas aí reside a genialidade repito e insisto:
Poucos vocalistas alcançam na idade que Glenn está as notas que ele alcança e ainda faz como antes e toca, prq se vc prestar atenção a melhor cozinha é a dele em qqr disco que participa, ele sabe tocar e muito.
Joe Bonamassa, achei sim um peixe fora d'agua, ele é blueseiro e tem mão pra isso, mas ele vem se superando e muito e esbanjando talento e uma verve tão intensa que comove e seus solos além de tudo são viscerais como todos tem de ser mesmo.
Derek é o menos aparente, do jeitão dele ele demonstra competência e cuidado nos teclados prq acompanhar aquela locomotiva que é Jason Bonham e Glenn Hughes não é pra qqr um e ele num tá lá a toa prq não teria outro pra colocar.
E o Jason é sim um dos melhores bateras do mundo, só não superou o pai prq ele morreu e virou um mito, prq em matéria de qualidade e técnica ele é tão ou melhor e hoje em dia poucos bateras se equiparam a ele em técnica e peso; o cara é fera mesmo.
Por isso aí está com todas as capas (e não tô nem aí se acham meus posts extensos, eu acho que pra postar tenho de fazer assim, quem tiver preguiça busca nos torrents ou filestube da vida) e o show dos caras é pra quem gosta de ver um puta show e não foi no tal show de rock pra ver axé, prq show de rock tem de ter rock e rock de verdade, e aqui tem muito.

Thankfully BCC seem to have taken the view that the fans want to see them laying it down live and the filmic elements are confined to giving insights into the make up of the performance – the bead of sweat rolling down the side of Bomassas face in the middle of ‘Battle For Hadrian’s Wall’ or the looks between Hughes and Bonham during ‘Black Country’ signalling the changes in tempo and interviews between the tracks that are about the band and the music and not their views on Global warming or local politics.
End result is is what I – and I suspect many others – wanted, a close up of the songs and solos and the sheer power of the finest straight rock band on the planet.

Anyone who knows the band will know the tracks: ‘Black Country’, ‘Crossfire’, ‘Save Me’, ‘Battle For Hadrian’s Wall’ – look at the two albums and you can see the tracklisting.
But what you can’t see from the tracklistiong is the way that all four musicians play as a unit and how the individual performances add together rather than being subsumed in to the overall sound.
Just looking at Hughes and Bonamassa leaning into each other at the climax of ‘Song of Yesterday’ while Bonham is hammering out the power and Sherinian’s keys are creating a huge soundscape for them to play against you begin to understand BCC as a band rather than four superstars.

The DVD is filmed sumptuously but the producers have kept to the job of getting Black Country Communion over as a live outfit and satisfying the thousands who weren’t luckey enough to see them live: Job done and very well at that.
For one night only, on Tuesday November 1st 2011 at 7:30pm, participating Vue Cinemas will screen Black Country Communion’s debut concert film “Live Over Europe” in high definition and Dolby 5.1 surround sound.
This one-off rock & roll cinema experience will feature an exclusive filmed introduction from all four members of Black Country Communion, and by pre –booking tickets via, you will be automatically entered into a prize draw to win a guitar, signed by the band. "
There is a signed guitar up for grabs at each of the 16 participating cinemas nationwide.
The full list of participating Vue Cinemas is as follows:
London West End
Leicester Hull

The 2-DVD/Blu-ray live set was filmed with 14 HD cameras and 5.1 Surround Sound during the band’s debut tour in summer 2011. Over three nights, playing to packed venues in the German cities of Hamburg, Munich and Berlin, the 18-song set list (17 originals and 1 cover) includes songs taken from both of BCC’s albums – 2010’s eponymous debut and 2011’s follow-up release 2, which The Sunday Mercury praised, “This is classic rock goes large, an album that lives up to its heritage. It may not be bettered this year.”
Live Over Europe highlights include the songs Black Country, One Last Soul, Save Me, Man In The Middle, Cold, and Song of Yesterday, which fans can sign up to receive as a free audio download, available September 8th here. Bonus features include an exclusive 28-page collector’s booklet and additional DVD with a 20-minute “behind the scenes” featurette and photo collection.

Records allow a certain musical finesse, but live performance promises so much in the very transient nature of a gig; chances are taken, boundaries are crossed and the most exciting performances explode.
Two studio albums built a repertoire big enough for a full concert which allowed us to unleash the monster for the rest of the world to see and feel.”

When the band played the UK’s Wolverhampton Civic Hall, the Birmingham Mail called their performance “Rip-roaring” and “breathtaking.”
As part of the band’s strategy to use social media as an integral part of the initial marketing launch of Live Over Europe, they created the Facebook BCC Event Page.
Facebook members can join the page here to receive an exclusive glimpse of the new DVD and a chance to download the live free track Song of Yesterday.

The cinematic cutaways, the booming orchestral introduction and interludes, the heavy statements from members of the band - it all makes for some extraordinary theater.
But even singer and bassist Glenn Hughes admits: "We're not trying to change the world.
We're just having fun…we're a rock and roll band."
That has to be the biggest understatement of what Live Over Europe is.
With two albums in the can and more on the way, these guys are having more fun that you can imagine.

That isn't to say Black Country Communion doesn't deserve the treatment, because they're most certainly of the caliber.
BCC isn't your typical supergroup - Hughes practically bounced Jason Bonham on his knee during a visit with his Zeppelin drumming dad.
That's not the usual way bands come together - or maybe it is.
The fact that Joe Bonamassa, as a renowned blues soloist, boils down his style to the basic tenets of riffology, sprinkled with sparkling leads wedged in between, to add a sweet and seasoned twist to BCC mix says it all - or at least a good portion.
Who can argue after seeing Hughes sing his ass off and slamming the bass as if his life depended on it.
From the opening "Black Country" right through the ending credits roll over on "Smokestack Woman," the former Deep Purple bassist is relentless in his commitment and execution.

Let's just say the guy is the heartbeat of BCC.
Oh yeah, he never lets up, be it laying down the groove on "One Last Soul," setting up a rock-steady tempo to the "The Battle Of Hadrian's Wall," or paradiddling through the trenches of "The Outsider."
Derek Sherinian is a man of texture and ambience.
His understated keyboard work weaves in a melodic lining to each and every BCC song - a subtle, yet necessary element that gives the tracks flavor and color.
But make no mistake - when those gaps need to be filled, Sherinian is ready to swing his mitts about and make some noise.
Together on Live Over Europe, BCC blaze through 18 songs before 14 hi-def cameras, recorded in surround, over three nights in Hamburg, Munich and Berlin.

A second disc with a short documentary called Forging BCC, along with a few choice photos, completes the picture.
By the looks of things, Black Country Communion has signed on for the long run, and so far it's been one sweet ride."
~ Shawn Perry

Glenn Hughes is a true original. No other rock musician has carved such a distinctive style blending the finest elements of hard rock, soul and funk.
Joe Bonamassa
Part prodigy, part virtuoso, (the rest being mercilessly honed guitar skills and tireless work ethic) Joe Bonamassa has been building his reputation as one of the world?s greatest guitar players.
The legacy of Led Zeppelin lives on in Jason Bonham, British drummer and son of Zep?s legendary John Bonham. Inheriting the best of his father?s skills while mastering his own distinctive and dynamic technique.
Derek Sherinian
A versatile keyboardist who mixes technical proficiency with distinctively raw power, Derek Sherinian has toured and recorded with some of the biggest names in rock.

Black Country Communion is a devastating head-on collision between American and British rock influences?a true supergroup that delivers a titanic rock experience greater than the sum of its supremely talented parts.
Kevin Shirley
Over the years producer Kevin has worked with an array of successful artists including Aerosmith, Dream Theater and The Black Crowes, as well as mixing the Led Zeppelin live album How The West Was Won
Official Site: Launch

Uma hora, quarenta e oito minutos e quarenta e nove segundos.
Ai o tamanho do vídeo.
Ótima qualidade de áudio e imagem.
Um Show que eu tava doido pra ver.
Boa diversão!
Poucosiso (links ok)
Parte 1
Parte 2
2 de nov. de 2011
Black Country Communion "2"

PQP como o Jason Bonhan está tocando!!!
PQP como o Jason arrebenta neste álbum!!!
Bem, dito isso, se é que é algo pra se dizer vou fazer um post que do primeiro vol fui praticamente um dos primeiros a postar, mas este quis ouvir melhor prq não achei o primeiro tão bom assim.
Dizer que foi ruim seria burrice, mas pode-se dizer que tocaram o que sabiam juntos e isso não foi nenhuma novidade.

Agora, este disco ouvi e re-ouvi e ouvi de novo e ouvi mais uma vez pra achar os defeitos do primeiro, as manias antigas e manhas de sempre e acabei quebrando a cara.
Em primeiro qdo o som começa o Jason simplesmente mostra que eles não estão brincando de tocar e arrebenta com a batera como poucos já ouvi e bem ao gosto do "velho moby"; junto e qdo digo junto digo como todo bom baixista deve fazer Glenn arrebenta seu baixo dando um peso absurdo logo nas primeiras notas, prq saber tocar ele sabe, só se embanana um pouco qdo não decide se canta ou toca, mas cantando tb não tem pra ninguém.

Joe Bonamassa encontrou "a mão" pra tocar com esses caras e simplesmente vejo nele sem nenhum demérito o Steve Morse qdo entrou no Purple e todos torceram o nariz por causa daquele gênio fresco do Blackmore, que tocar toca, mas vai ser chato no raio que o parta.
Bonamassa pegou o jeito de misturar sua suavidade em escalas lentas e ao mesmo tempo não perdeu o jeitão bluesy que é sua escola mas botou um peso em cada nota tocada que parecia outro nas cordas em relação ao primeiro disco e muito mais seguro, potente e vocalmente falando perfeito (só quem não o conhece não percebe a "cama" que ele faz o tempo todo pra Glenn.
Já Derek Sherenian nesse meio teve que tomar vergonha na cara e fazer o que sabe, prq sempre soube e muito e aí não deu outra, um puta disco de rock, à altura dos velhos tempos e com a marca registrada do Zep.
Mas garanto, acredite quem quiser que as comparações com o Zep pra este post são minhas, e só depois montando com mais informações como sempre faço é que encontrei várias outras na mesma linha, sinal que o velho lobo não tá tão por fora assim,rs

Não um cover de Led Zeppelin, mas algo na linha que não deixa nada a desejar e algo que eles poderiam fazer e com isso encontrar o caminho e o motivo prq lançaram a banda e tomara o futuro continue promissor prq nós é que ganharemos com isso.
De minha parte estou satisfeitíssimo prq fazia tempo queria ouvir um disco de rock, mas um disco de rock mesmo e que me desse tesão do começo ao fim, encontrei.

Producer Kevin Shirley suggested the group work with John Bonham's son, Jason Bonham.Bonamassa did not want the band to be a power trio, so he and the others decided to add former Dream Theater keyboardist, Derek Sherinian, to the lineup on the recommendation of Kevin Shirley.
The band began having sessions at Shangri La Studios in Malibu, CA.
According to Bonham the group were recording as early as January 2010.
He claims, "I just literally went into the studio last week for two days with one person I'd done an album with before, very quickly, and then the other was a friend of my father's I got to meet later on, Joe Bonamassa and Glenn Hughes, and we're working on a new project with a working title of Black Country."

The band released their first album, Black Country, on September 20, 2010, to largely positive reception. On the same day they showcased tracks from the album to a small, invite-only audience at John Henry's Ltd in London.
This was their first ever live performance. They finished the year with sold out shows at the Civic Hall in Wolverhampton and London's Shepherd's Bush Empire just after Christmas.

“What I am doing is writing a follow up album right now for Black Country Communion; I’m writing a second album.”
On March 18, 2011, it was revealed that the band's second album, simply titled 2, will be released on June 14, 2011.
Hughes said that the release of the album will coincide with the band's summer 2011 tour, and that the first batch of songs for the album were already recorded.

On June 8, 2011, the band released the music video for the first single off the new album, "Man in the Middle". The video was directed by Davin Maske and features studio footage of the band intercut with Hughes driving around L.A. in a cherry red 1965 Ford Thunderbird.
On August 31, 2011, BCC released a trailer for an upcoming live DVD and Blu-ray [Titled "Live Over Europe," the DVD and the Blu-ray will be released on October 24th.

Recording information: East West Studios, Hollywood, CA.
Photographer: Christie Goodwin.
Audio Mixer: Kevin Shirley.

The last three songs make me really wonder about BCC. While much of the band’s work sounds like an attempt to ape well known bands of the seventies - an attempt that really doesn’t come off - the last three songs seem to define the actual BCC sound. These are the kinds of songs and compositions the boys need to concentrate on instead of the shouty boingy nonsense that blights the first half of the album.
Based on this new record there’s definitely life in Black Country Communion, but the band needs to ditch the muddy production in favour of a modern approach, concentrate the songwriting on their strengths and stop trying too hard to rock out. Rocking comes naturally when the songs work, as they last three do. I’d say there are enough good songs on the record to make it worth some of your time, especially in the second half, but four great musicians and a big name producer could and should do better.

Glenn Hughes – vocals, bass (2010–present)
Joe Bonamassa – guitars, vocals (2010–present)
Jason Bonham – drums, percussion (2010–present)
Derek Sherinian – keyboards (2010–present)

1. The Outsider
2. Man In The Middle
3. The Battle For Hadrian’s Wall
4. Save Me
5. Smokestack Woman
6. Faithless
7. An Ordinary Son
8. I Can See Your Spirit
9. Little Secret
10. Crossfire
11. Cold
18 de set. de 2010
Black Country Communion

Já saiu nas lojas esta obra de arte.
Genre: Hard Rock
Year: 2010
Country: Usa
Audio codec: MP3
Riptype: tracks
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Playtime: 01:12:36
Size: 167 MB

1.Black Country
2.One Last Soul
3.The Great Divide
4.Down Again
6.Song of Yesterday
7.No Time
9.The Revolution in Me
10.Stand (At the Burning Tree)
11.Sista Jane
12.Too Late for the Sun

26 de ago. de 2010
Black Country Communion: Exclusive Album Preview – Get Ready To Join The Faith…

Agradarão aos fãs?
Serão bem recebidos e ouvidos mundo afora?
Todos sabemos de histórias mil de caras que se uniram e deram com os famosos "burros n'agua"; e aí ficaram marcados e estigmatizados pela vida afora; apesar que aqui vejo dois um pouco mais fracos que os outros na questão carreira: Jason Bohan que carrega o nome do "Moby Dick" nas costas e apesar de ser um puta de um batera não conseguiu o respeito devido e Derek Sherenian que tem uma história tocando com Tia Alice, Kiss e Dream Theater apesar de preferí-lo em sua carreira solo onde sempre reúne monstros da música a ele.
Como disse desses quatro, Joe Bonamassa que já se fixou no Blues com sua virtuosidade, carisma e respeito e Glenn Hughes, inimitável ao ponto de ser chamado de "The Voice" e com uma carreira de sucesso; os que menos poderiam ser afetados.
O que não significa nada no famoso mundo em que vivemos.
Mas o que tenho acompanhado é um efervescência em torno do trabalho que vi poucas e até o do Iron Maiden com toda máquina que pôde usar não conseguiu o poder de fogo que eles estão tendo; não fosse isso não estaria até este simples lobo andarilho divulgando tb a música que baixei e gostei muito.
Ao meu ver, essa união vem pra dar certo, egos e idades já controlados, relacionamentos mais tranquilos e os quatro tem tudo pra vingarem, particularmente torço pra isso e aguardo mesmo ansioso e é tanta a ansiedade que pra aqueles que ainda não baixaram, deixei de onde baixei o link, tirem suas próprias conclusões, e tb um belo release sobre tudo que rola.
Baixe a amostra grátis do trabalho dos caras aqui: BCC .
Site Oficial: BBC

Back in February Glenn Hughes explained to me that the album he was recording with Jason Bonham, Joe Bonamassa and Derek Sherinian was ‘’A big rock statement’’. He went on to say ‘’This is the real thing the right thing to do at the right time.’’
Having been afforded an exclusive preview of the Black Country Communion album due for release here via Mascot Records on September 20th, well Glenn has been true to his word. The album is jam packed with quality rock songs and arrangements that collectively showcases each musician. The commitment and intent the band have brought to proceedings is evident from the off.
Opening track ‘’Black Country’’ kicks in at frantic ‘‘Kill The King’’ speed periodically stopping off for Glenn to soulfully inform ‘’I’m going back to the Black Country- I am a messenger’’. Joe comes in with some suitably high tempo riffola and soloing while Jason’s all over the tom toms and tympani. A call and response episode and a torrid final Bonamassa blast brings to a close a most impressive opening track.
Other highlights:
‘’One Last Soul’’ carries a funky melodic edge with an effective Jason fill as it all kicks in. Joe’s lyrical soloing adds to the overall effect of a track that reminded me of early of 90’s UK melodic rockers Midnight Blue. Jason has the utmost regard for timekeeping on ‘’The Great Divide’’ keeping it ticking tight throughout. There’s more precision axe work from Joe and Derek gets in a swirling organ. ‘’Down Again’’ is a riff led affair with upfront echo vocals from Glenn. This posseses a Bad Companyish swagger and another succulent Bonamassa solo. The effective coda has Jason pushing behind the beat in typically Black Country fashion.

Both ‘’Sista Jane’’ and the closing track ‘’Too Late For The Sun’’ have Joe and Glenn sharing vocals effectively – the former features Jason on those familiar Bonham patented bass drum couplets and an organ coda from Derek, while the latter at over eleven minutes develops into a drawn out jam that finds each of the musicians blowing out in a manner that was the custom on a plethora of 1970s rock albums.
But this is no exercise in mere retro rock. This album carries a definite contemporary edge aided considerably by Kevin Shirley’s wide screen production that allows each musician the space to breathe and contribute fully. Yes there’s also a real groove to it but as Glenn said, with a Bonham involved that’s to be expected. Jason puts in a performance that emphasises why he was such an integral part of the success of the Led Zeppelin 02 reunion show.
As Glenn revealed earlier in the year: ‘’ It’s current not old or heritage. It’s like Zep were called metal but they weren’t really metal. It’s that heavy and light and shade thing so we’ve got lot’s of groove on it. It’s really designed to be a classic modern album. We are not wanting to be heritage. I want to be clear here we are making a rock album. I get a chance to sing – really sing rock again rather than holding back.’’

Dave Lewis – June 28th 2010
Obs: Os textos estão assinados, as fotos são da net, o link do superdownloads, mas a montagem do post é do lobo doido aqui,rs
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