Bem, quando algo precisa ser feito que seja logo, assim os lobos sossegam, e mais uma vez instigado qto à um som considerado raro, não me contive e fui a caça como sempre pra encontrar aquilo considerado difícil (como é gostoso fuçar por aí,rs) e além do que queria, ainda consegui de bonus 06 faixas que divido agora com vcs que frequentam a alcatéia e querem ouvir mais um puta de um som.
Se o Aeroblus é um rock de prima, este é uma aula de música e dizer que é só Blues seria ignorância apesar de ter tudo pra isso, mas acaba sendo uma apresentação de música com um dos maiores bateras do mundo e o agora já conhecido por mim e realmente ao meu ver um p... guitarrista, Pappo, que fazem em 12 faixas uma viagem que merece ser ouvida de cabo a rabo. É leve de baixar, consegui 18 faixas em 128 kbp/s, com qualidade excelente e ainda várias imagens dentro; ou seja valeu a pena sair mais uma vez em busca da música perdida.
Olha e tem muita história ainda por trás do mito Pappo, inclusive que ele era da ala mais radical dos motoqueiros e "outlaws" enquanto outros como Almendra,eram da ala mais "Flower of Power" (dicas do Omar, que pedi um post com essa diferença cultural e musical)apesar do próprio ter tocado tb com o Spinetta; mas além disso ele tb tocou com Edgar Winter, o próprio BB numa homenagem no Madison Square Garden em 94 que por enquanto só achei no youtube em alguns fragmentos, mas se tem esse lobo doido vai a luta e por essas e outras acho que valeu mais essa postagem, espero que gostem como eu.

A native of the middle-class La Paternal neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Pappo started playing the guitar at the age of ten, and became active in Argentine rock since its beginnings; Pappo was a force in its transition from English to Spanish as guitarist of Los Gatos, the first rock band to enter the mainstream charts in Argentina. He also played in the first incarnation of cult band Los Abuelos de la Nada and in the quasi-psychedelic La Pesada del Rock and Roll.
With his own band, Pappo's Blues, he recorded and toured extensively. He became an underground working-class hero, but received no radio airplay. In the mid-1970s, Pappo spent some time in England, playing alongside Peter Green (formerly of Fleetwood Mac), Lemmy (who later achieved fame with Motörhead), and other rock and blues greats. By the time in which they recorded the third album (“Pappo's Blues Vol 3”), there had been two changes in his group: David Lebón (bass) left, and his place was taken by C.A Machi Rufino and Black Amaya (drums) also left, beibng his place taken by Pomo.

In 1978 Pappo, this time with Alejandro Medina playing bass again and Darío Fernandez with the drums, recorded the last album called “Pappo's Blues Vol 7”. On November 14th 1980 the band officially dissolved, but Pappo kept playing as a soloist.
In 1981, he formed Riff, a heavy metal band. During the 1982 Riff became very popular with rockers in South America. In the late 1980s, when Riff disbanded, Pappo spent some time in the United States and formed a new group, Pappo and the Widowmakers in 1989.
The band was based in the Los Angeles / Hollywood California area, and the members were as follows: Pappo (lead gutar), Dave Hatlee (bass), Rick Ness (rythm guitar) and Saint Bongosto (drums). Pappo and the Widowmakers recorded a two-song EP in October 1989 and then embarked on tour back to South America in December 1989.

As such, he enjoyed the appreciation of B. B. King who admitted cherishing many of Pappo's records, and with whom he played at the Madison Square Garden in 1993 and 1994. BB King said in one occasíon "I've travelled 67 countries around the world and Pappo is the only true bluesman I've found. He's one of the best guitar players I've ever known, not only in Argentina but in the whole world". With Pappo’s Blues he will record three more albums: “Hombre Suburbano” in 1994; “Caso Cerrado” in 1995 and “Auto Rojo” in 1998.
Pappo's other love was car racing. He raced in Argentina's top stock-car category, TC, and in motorcycle races, with limited success. Sadly, Pappo died in a road accident in Luján, Buenos Aires province, on 24 February 2005. At route 5, km 71, Pappo's Harley-Davidson lost control, fell to the ground, and a car traveling in the opposite direction hit him, causing his death.
The songs featured here are 6 songs extracted from his last album “Buscando un Amor” (2003), on which he homaged BB King, plus 12 other tracks which were recorded live in Buenos Aires on November 6, 2004, at a “BB King Tribute Concert” starred by Pappo himself and BB’s drummer Tony Coleman.

01- Tribute to BB King
02- Rock Me, Baby
03- Thrill is Gone
04- Killin' Floor
05- Trouble No More
06- Little Red Rooster
Recorded Live with Tony Coleman:
07- Tribute to BB King
08- I ain't Drunk
09- All Your Love
10- How blue Can You Get
11- Rock Me, Baby
12- Thrill is Gone
13- Master Charge
14- Everyday I Have the Blues
15- Chop This & Solo
16- Sweet Little Angel
17- Killin' Floor
18- Let the Good Times Roll
Obs: Créditos para esta belíssima postagem ao blog Talanca's Music
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