Bom o Zappa vcs conhecem né?
Completamente destrambelhado (parece comigo, só que ele era um gênio e eu um lobo vagabundo,rs), músico acima de qqr nomenclatura, renomado nos 5 cantos do planeta; aliás até hoje não entendo como um mundo quase redondo tem 04 cantos mas fazer o quê?
Tocou com todos que foram bons a sua época e foi considerado por todos o maioral do rock e etc e tal.
Zappa, tenho 146 discos dele e ainda não consigo entendê-lo, as vz amo e as vz detesto; as vezes viajo e as vz me assusto, sei lá, um completo louco e pronto; acho a mais clara descrição do dito cujo.
Qto ao Lamarca, é um irmão querido que some e aparece, parece dinheiro, e como dinheiro mais some do que aparece, mas qdo volta vêm com uns presentinhos como este (fingiremos que foi ele que se deu ao trabalho de nos passar e não eu que o ameacei de morte se não me desse o post ok? só que a escolha foi dele heim!) e já devidamente hospedado e aí não tem como não passar pra frente prq se a dica é dele pode-se fechar os olhos, é de confiança.
O Lamarca foi um dos primeiros que conheci neste mundo cibernético e sempre tive por ele admiração e carinho, ele é mesmo uma entidade como sempre e só aparece qdo quer e prq quer mas é de sentir o caráter e a fidelidade; como disse dos primeiros que conheci poucos sobraram prq poucos tem o que ele tem que é dignidade.
Aqui está o Mestre Zappa apresentado pelo irmão Lamarca, espero aproveitem como se deve.

The material taken from the Roxy concerts was later amended with some overdubs in the studio, while the "Elsewhere" tracks ("Son of Orange County" & "More Trouble Every Day") were recorded on May 8, 1974 at the Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania (and parts of "Son of Orange County" on May 11, 1974 at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago, Illinois (late show)) and do not contain overdubbed material.

It features an array of highly challenging instrumentals such as "Echidna's Arf (Of You)", "Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?", and the opening theme of "Be-Bop Tango (of the Old Jazzmen's Church)".
It also features "Cheepnis", Zappa's tribute to low-budget monster movies, and reworks of earlier tracks such as "More Trouble Every Day" and "Son of Orange County" (excerpted from the song "Oh No" and given an extended guitar solo).
"Village of the Sun" is about Sun Village, California, an unincorporated area near Palmdale, and also makes references to Lancaster, California, twin city to Palmdale and Zappa's hometown

The opening track, "Penguin in Bondage" is edited together from performances at the Roxy and the Chicago date. The guitar solo on "Son of Orange County" is one of the few Zappa guitar solos edited together from more than one concert, in this case the Edinboro and Chicago dates.
Some of the unused tracks from the Roxy shows are floating around in audience recording trading circles, as well as the entirety of the Edinboro show. Other tracks were released on Volumes One and Three of the You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore series. On a side note, Zappa can be heard, on the released and unreleased Roxy tapes, speaking of the making of a 'film' that could potentially be "broadcast on television," as well as reminding the audience not to be "uncomfortable around the intimidatingly large 16 mm cameras."
A four-channel Quadraphonic version of the album was prepared and advertised, but not released.

Joe Travers has stated that "It's sitting in the vault. Waiting for a budget to do it properly. Basically the film footage, the negatives were transferred by Frank in the '80s using '80s technology. What we want to do is go back to the original negatives and do it in High Definition and then create a 5.1 mix from the original masters so that we have surround sound as well as Frank's 2 channel stereo mix. Once we get all that together, then we need to cut the program. Edit the program together, camera angles, what shows, what we are going to include from what shows or include all the shows. I have no idea what Dweezil and Gail want to do. It's great stuff, but the process of just getting to that point is going to cost a lot of money and take a lot of time." [2] Two songs from the unreleased film ("Montana" and "Dupree's Paradise") were used as opener for the Zappa Plays Zappa concerts in 2006.
On April 1, 2007, Zappa.com unveiled a redesigned website, which included the 30-minute segment from the Roxy performances, which had been used at the Zappa Plays Zappa concerts, on its new videos page.
The clip for "Montana" was included as a bonus feature of the Classic Albums: Apostrophe(')/Over-Nite Sensation DVD, which was released on May 1, 2007.

Frank Zappa – guitar, vocals, producer
Napoleon Murphy Brock – flute, tenor saxophone, vocals
Robert "Frog" Camarena – backing vocals ("Cheepnis")
Debbie – backing vocals ("Cheepnis")
Lynn - backing vocals ("Cheepnis")
Ruben Ladron de Guevara – backing vocals ("Cheepnis")
George Duke – synthesizer, keyboards, vocals
Bruce Fowler – trombone, dancer
Tom Fowler – bass guitar
Walt Fowler – trumpet, bass trumpet
Ralph Humphrey – drums
Don Preston – synthesizer
Jeff Simmons – rhythm guitar, vocals
Chester Thompson – drums
Ruth Underwood – percussion

Kerry McNabb – engineer, remixing
Wally Heider – engineer
Coy Featherstone – photography
Cal Schenkel – graphic design, design

1."Penguin in Bondage" – 6:48
2."Pygmy Twylyte" – 2:13
3."Dummy Up" – 6:02
Side two
1."Village of the Sun" – 4:17
2."Echidna's Arf (Of You)" – 3:52
3."Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?" – 9:40
Side three
1."Cheepnis" – 6:33
2."Son of Orange County" – 5:53
3."More Trouble Every Day" – 6:00
Side four
1."Be-Bop Tango (Of the Old Jazzmen's Church)" – 16:41
Part 01
Part 02