É que não adianta mesmo e lá vem esse lobo retardado com mais um deles e num adianta descer o pau, vir com puritanismo e etc e tal, sou fã da Dama de Ferro desde o início mesmo e pronto.
Obs: Só por curiosidade tenho praticamente todos os bônus originais lançados, coisas que até fãs donos de blogs me pediram, mas depois percebi que só me queriam de escada ficaram pra mim mesmo, quem sabe um dia eu os suba.
Dito isso fica mais fácil não ter de me explicar prq faço um post destes logo após uma postagem tão completamente oposta logo abaixo, onde viajamos ao Vale das Maçãs.
Primeiro prq não tenho noção nenhuma do que vou postar, em segundo não programo piciroca nenhuma tb (tem gente por aí que baixa a discografia completa de uma banda pelo torrent, passa pra mp3 e hospeda fazendo uma postagem que muitos batem palmas mas que de original pricas e informação "0" prq os caras nem conhecem o quem postam ou sequer ouviram).
Simplesmente acordo ou durmo,rs, e posto algo que tenho,me mandam, que ouvi ou até que roubo por aí, afinal lobos são surrupiadores por natureza.
Sem mais delongas quem gosta dos caras e não ouviu vai curtir muito prq são versões realmente muito boas pra quem conhece um pouco de música, quem não os suporta pode até ser que ouvindo outros levando suas canções as curta e quem não gosta vá pra outras postagens que tem muitas ainda aqui que podem ser baixadas que são raríssimimas mesmo, vide o "Tokio Tapes" .
É isso, curti do começo ao fim e gostei muito cantando junto com estes destrambelhados e o Lee Kilmister tá duca na versão do The Trooper, além do que "Fear for the Dark" é um arraso.
Divirtam-se sem moderação.

Performers include past and present members of Iron Maiden, Kiss, AC/DC, Motorhead, Anthrax, Dio, Judas Priest, Ozzy's Band, Testament, Twisted Sister, Extreme, Slaughter, Whitesnake, Led Zeppelin, Mr. Big, Poison, MSG, Helmet, Styx, UFO, Lynch Mob, Suicidal Tendencies, Dokken, Rob Zombie Band, Rainbow, The Firm.
Usually, when "all star" is used in the title of a tribute record, it means that some random bassist or guitar player from a one-hit wonder, late-'80s hair metal band got some of his friends together to "make some f*cking rock & roll" and decided that the rest of the world couldn't live without it.
Luckily, Numbers from the Beast: An All-Star Tribute to Iron Maiden boasts some real talent. Unfortunately, it still sounds like something that should have stayed on the hard drives of its creators, as there's nary a note missing or a production risk taken to warrant any of these Maiden classics having been remade.
Twisted Sister's Dee Snider does his best to raise a spiritless "Wasted Years" out of the muck, MSG's Robin McAuley, who gives a pitch-perfect rendering of "Run to the Hills," might as well be competing for the state karaoke cup, and Lemmy from Motörhead phones in "The Trooper" without a care in the world.

For anyone who ever wanted to hear original Iron Maiden lead singer Paul Di'Anno cover his own "Wrathchild" backed by former members of Testament, Anthrax, Helmet, and Bush, this note's for you. ~ James Christopher Monger
Tributee: Iron Maiden.
Various Artists: Tim "Ripper" Owens (vocals); Chris Traynor (guitar); Frank Bello , Tony Franklin, Billy Sheehan (bass guitar); John Tempesta (drums); Chris Slade, Simon Wright , Dee Snider, George Lynch, Jeff Scott Soto, Joe Lynn Turner, Lemmy Kilmister, Alex Skolnick, Michael Schenker, Nuno Bettencourt, Paul Di'Anno, Paul Gilbert, Robin McAuley, Scott Ian, Aynsley Dunbar, Jason Bonham, Vinny Appice, Mark Slaughter, Bob Kulick, Chris Jericho , Bruce Kulick.

Chuck Billy, Dee Snider, Jeff Scott Soto, Joe Lynn Turner, Lemmy Kilmister, Paul Di'Anno, Robin McAuley, Mark Slaughter, Chris Jericho (vocals); Craig Goldy, Phil Campbell , Doug Aldrich, Rocky George, Jeff Duncan, George Lynch, Alex Skolnick, Michael Schenker, Nuno Bettencourt, Paul Gilbert, Richie Kotzen, Scott Ian, Bob Kulick, Bruce Kulick (guitar); Jeremy Rubolino (keyboards); Chris Slade, Simon Wright , Brent Fitz, Mikkey Dee, Aynsley Dunbar, Jason Bonham, Vinny Appice, Ben Graves, Brian Tichy (drums); Jason Miller (background vocals).
Audio Mixers: Bob Kulick; Brett Chassen.
Recording information: Office Studios, Van Nuys, CA

1.Run To The Hills
Robin McAuley (MSG) - Vocals
Michael Schenker (MSG) - Lead Guitar
GuitarPete Fletcher (Pygmy Love Circus) - Rhythm Guitar
Tony Franklin (The Firm) - Bass
Brian Tichy (Billy Idol) - Drums
2.Wasted Years
Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) - Vocals
George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob) - Lead Guitar
GuitarBob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf) - Rhythm Guitar
Jeff Pilson (Dokken, Foreigner) - Bass
Jason Bonham (Bonham, Foreigner) - Drums
Paul DifAnno (Iron Maiden) - Vocals
Alex Skolnick (Testament) - Lead Guitar
GuitarChris Traynor (Helmet, Bush) - Rhythm Guitar
Frank Bello (Helmet, Anthrax)< - Bass/li>
John Tempesta (Helmet, Testament) - Drums
4.Flight Of Icarus
Ripper Owens (Judas Priest, Iced Earth) - Vocals
Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, Dio) - Guitar
Jimmy Bain (Dio, Rainbow) - Bass
Simon Wright (Dio, AC/DC) - Drums
5.Fear Of The Dark
Chuck Billy (Testament) - Vocals
Craig Goldy (Dio) - Guitar
Rickie Phillips (Styx) - Bass
Mikkey Dee (Motorhead) - Drums
6.The Trooper
Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead) - Vocals
Phil Campbell (Motorhead) - Guitar
Rocky George (Fishbone, Suicidal Tendencies) - Guitar
Chuck Wright (Alice Cooper, Quiet Riot) - Bass
Chris Slade (AC/DC) - Drums
7.Aces High
Jeff Scott Soto (Yngwie Malmsteen, Soul Sirkus) - Vocals
Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme, Dramagods) - Guitar
Billy Sheehan (Mr.Big, Niacin) - Bass
Vinnie Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio) - Drums
8.2 Minutes To Midnight
Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple, Rainbow) - Vocals
Richie Kotzen (Mr.Big, Poison) - Guitar
Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf) - Guitar
Tony Franklin (The Firm) - Bass
Chris Slade (AC/DC, The Firm) - Drums
9.Can I Play With Madness?
Mark Slaughter (Slaughter) - Vocals
Bruce Kulick (KISS, Grand Funk) - Guitar
Marco Mendoza (Thin Lizzy, Ted Nugent) - Bass
Aynsley Dunbar (David Bowie, Whitesnake) - Drums
10.The Evil That Men Do
Chris Jericho (WWE Wrestler, Fozzy) - Vocals
Paul Gilbert (Mr.Big, Racer X) - Guitar
GuitarBob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf) - Rhythm Guitar
Mike Inez (Alice In Chains, Ozzy Osbourne) - Bass
Brent Fitz (Vince Neil, Union) - Drums
11.The Wickerman
Jon Bush (Anthrax, Armored Saint) - Vocals
Jeff Duncan (Armored Saint) - Lead Guitar
Scott Ian (Anthrax) - Guitar
Blasko (Rob Zombie) - Bass
Ben Graves (Murderdolls) - Drums
Jason Miller (Godhead) - Backing Vocals