O Lamarca acompanho desde que entrei nesse universo da net e começei a postar algumas coisas e daí pra cá ele tb me acompanha com suas críticas (qdo passam de duas linhas é um esporro,rs) com sua amizade e tb com sua paciência em ler alguns livros que escondo em emails.
Mas veja bem se é fácil receber um email assim!
Só que esse é o Lamarca que conheci e continua o mesmo pelos séculos afora, as vezes sumindo e ressurgindo do nada com algo como Naná Vasconcelos, Joe Satriani ou Popol Vuh, thanks my dear friend.
Obs: ele subiu o disco e me enviou esta missiva com a primeira capa e aí, fiz o que alguns chamam de excentricidade e me chamam de prolixo; talvez se o Lamarca fizesse seu blog ia agradar de cara, prq escreve só o necessário e os posts seriam menos extensos,ré,ré,ré.

1) surgiu com o movimento krautrock;

quiché, da guatemala;

um grupo norueguês adotou o mesmo nome.
o restante fica por sua conta.

The band took its name from the Popol Vuh, a manuscript containing the mythology of the Post-Classic Quiché Maya people of highland Guatemala and south east Mexico; the name translates roughly as "meeting place."
The first album, Affenstunde, released in 1970, can be regarded as one of the earliest ambient music, space music or New Age music works, featuring the then new sounds of the Moog synthesizer together with ethnic percussion.

This album also marked the start of exploring overtly religious themes rather than a more generally spiritual feeling within the music.
The group evolved to include all kinds of instruments: wind and strings, electric and acoustic alike, combined to convey a mystical aura that made their music spiritual and introspective.

They created dream-like soundscapes along with psychedelic walls of sound, and are regarded as precursors of contemporary world music, as well of new age music and ambient music.
The band contributed soundtracks to the films of Werner Herzog, including Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Nosferatu, Fitzcarraldo, Cobra Verde, Heart of Glass and The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, in which Fricke appeared.

In October 2003 Klaus Schulze wrote:
"Florian was and remains an important forerunner of contemporary ethnic and religious music. He chose electronic music and his big Moog to free himself from the restraints of traditional music, but soon discovered that he didn't get a lot out of it and opted for the acoustic path instead. Here, he went on to create a new world, which Werner Herzog loves so much, transforming the thought patterns of electronic music into the language of acoustic ethno music."

1."In den Gärten Pharaos" – 17:38
2."Vuh" – 19:51