The band was formed in 1993 by Peter Kubik and Thomas Tannenberger. After the release of several demos, original vocalist Tharen (Alexander Opitz) left the band and was replaced by Silenius (Michael Gregor), who recorded vocals for all Abigor releases until the recording of Channeling the Quintessence of Satan during which he opted to leave the band. Thurisaz, who had been in the thrash metal band Lost Victim together with T.T. in the 1980s, joined the band and finished recordings on Channeling the Quintessence of Satan. In late 1999, T.T. left the band for various reasons (ranging from personal problems to being fed up with what once was the "scene"). After his departure, Abigor released two more albums before breaking up in 2003.
In April 2006, P.K. and T.T. decided to join forces again. During the following year, Fractal Possession was released. The band was scheduled to release a split EP in 2008 with French black metal group Blacklodge. In connection with this release, Abigor was supposedly cooperating with Norwegian experimental artist Zweizz.
Early works by Abigor were loosely inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. The album cover on Orkblut - The Retaliation is a collage of 2 paintings originally made by Lord of the Rings fantasy artist Ian Miller.
The album cover on Channeling the Quintessence of Satan was originally by the German printmaker/artist Albrecht Dürer. (The Knight, Death and the Devil, 1514)
Most Abigor releases were released by Napalm Records.
In a 2007 interview, P.K. explained the band's songwriting process:
"T.T. and I are responsible for the music, A.R. will do the lyrics and vocals, that’s how it works. I create riffs and record it, T.T. too, we send us files, create rough song-structures till we’re satisfied with the result of a song/album-“concept” then we start the recordings at T.T.’s Hell-Lab Studio."
John Arch (born John Maurice Archambault, May 15, 1959 in Colorado Springs) is an American progressive metal singer most notable for his work with the band Fates Warning. Arch co-wrote the majority of the band's songs with guitarist Jim Matheos, and was the band's sole lyricist. After their third album, Awaken the Guardian, was released, Arch was asked to quit his job or leave the band. Financial obligations made it impossible for Arch to quit his job, and he argued that he had shown 100% commitment to the band throughout the years. However, the band informed him that they had to let him go and started to look for another singer. In one interview with John Arch, he said that he would have quit his job if he was asked, but the rest of the band never asked him to.
A Twist of Fate is an EP by singer John Arch, released on June 17, 2003 through Metal Blade Records. At the time, the EP was Arch's first musical work in over seventeen years since leaving progressive metal band Fates Warning in 1987, with whom he recorded their first three albums; the last being Awaken the Guardian (1986). Consisting of only two tracks, A Twist of Fate features Fates Warning founder and guitarist Jim Matheos, with whom Arch would later release a collaborative album in 2011, entitled Sympathetic Resonance, under the banner of Arch/Matheos. Also among the line-up are former Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy and current Fates Warning bassist Joey Vera.
John Arch – vocals, production
Jim Matheos – guitar, keyboard, engineering, production
Eduardo Ardanuy é um guitarrista brasileiro. Foi eleito pelos leitores da Revista Cover Guitarra como o melhor guitarrista do país nos últimos 10 anos. Atualmente toca na banda Dr. Sin, solo, e em projetos paralelos (como o Tritone). Um dos grandes marcos de sua carreira foi ter tocado com Steve Vai em um show no Rio de Janeiro, sendo convidado pelo próprio devido a amizade feita com o guitarrista em um show de abertura. Lançou seu primeiro cd solo, intitulado Electric Nightmare em 2008 e ministra aulas e workshops pelo Brasil.
The Rods é a criação do David “Rock” Feinstein, vocalista e guitarrista que, em 1967, fundou com seu primo, Ronnie James Dio, a banda The Electric Elves, mais tarde conhecida como Elf. Embora fosse sócio fundador, Feinstein não se sentia exatamente satisfeito com o blues rock da banda; queria algo mais pesado. Com isso, deixou o Elf logo após o lançamento do disco de estréia, em 1972 – como se sabe, em 1974, Ritchie Blackmore contratou toda a banda, menos o guitarrista da época para a primeira formação do Rainbow. Depois de muito bater cabeça, Feinstein juntou-se ao baixista Garry Bordonaro e ao baterista Carl Canedy (mais tarde produtor de Anthrax, Exciter e Megadeth) para formar The Rods, que lançou seu primeiro disco, o independente Rock Hard em 1980. No ano seguinte, conseguiram um contrato com a gravadora Arista, que pegou o disco de estréia, reordenou as músicas e lançou com o nome The Rods (daí eu considerar o mesmo álbum). Wild Dogs saiu em 1982 e segue a linha de metal tradicional e raçudo, mais alinhado com o que se fazia na Europa do que com a cena que começava a surgir nos EUA. O grupo lançou mais quatro discos, até se dispersar no fim daquela década. ( ).
"Já foi dito que o tempo cura todas as feridas. Não concordo. A ferida continua. Com o tempo, a mente se protege da insanidade cobrindo a ferida com cicatrizes, e a dor diminui, mas nunca desaparece." Rose Kennedy
"guerreira amada...!!!!"
....number one....
Alita de Aponcho
..tomara goste de Chet Baker...
Ao Mestre "Manito"
Cara sinto uma puta saudade de vc que chega a doer!!!!
"Rock Fly - é só clicar....."
Não se odeia quando pouco se preza, odeia-se só o que está à nossa altura ou é superior a nós.