Já o Carmine é um baterista que me agrada e muito com uma levada bastante variada e por isso que fez parte de várias bandas como o Vanilla Fudge e seu irmão o Vinnie não fica atrás, mas o Carmine ao meu ver é melhor e como vocalista junto as baquetas ele se supera e muito.
Agora, T.M.Stevens acho simplesmente incomparável!!! toca seu baixo com uma força absurda e aí vc o vê ao vivo e ele simplesmente está encostando nas cordas; ele arregaça nos vocais, mas vendo vc percebe que ele não está fazendo força; o negrão é técnico na essência e toca com baixo de 04 cordas na maioria do tempo, o que Mr Stuart Hamm considera o baixo para o verdadeiro baixista.
Bem, chega de lero, e seguem abaixo duas resenhas no original do som dos caras, deixo assim prq preservar a qualidade.
A primeira fala um pouco do som e dos caras e a segunda do dvd que saiu este álbum e dá pra notar que neste caso o album ganhou uma bonus track.
Back in the '70s, both Pat Travers and Carmine Appice were responsible for laying down the boogie — Travers as a leader of the Pat Travers Band, and Appice as a member of Cactus and Beck Bogert & Appice.
Fast forward three decades later, and the duo has decided to combine their talents (along with session pro bassist T.M. Stevens), as Travers & Appice. Touring in support of a debut album with the title of It Takes a Lot of Balls, it shouldn't have come as a surprise that their shows were rift with testosterone-heavy rock (but with a bluesy feel).
Less than a year after the arrival of their debut comes a concert set, 2005's Live at the House of Blues. With Travers & Appice splitting the vocal duties, the group harks back to the days when power trios ruled the earth. Focusing primarily on tracks from their debut, selections such as "Taken," "Better From a Distance," and "Keep on Rockin'" benefit from a live setting, as their bluesy swagger is even more overstated.
Also included are winks to both player's pasts — Travers with "Boom, Boom" and Appice with a re-worked, rockin' version of Rod Stewart's disco hit, "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy." Admittedly however, the lyrics are moronic in spots, with the usual hard livin'/roadside bar fare. But if tough blues-rock is your thing, it's best to experience it in a live setting, and Live at the House of Blues delivers.
Though their recent pairing as Travers & Appice isn't likely to be called a "supergroup" by anyone but the most die-hard 70s blues rock aficionado, the pair's first DVD, Travers & Appice: Live at the House of Blues shows them as more than capable performers who can still lay down a blistering set some 30 years later.
Travers, who released several heavy blues guitar albums under his own name in the 1970s and early 1980s, first joined up with ex-Vanilla Fudge drummer Appice after a planned collaboration with Rick Derringer fell through, and the Canadian-born guitarist came to the rescue. The two players clicked, and along with flamboyant session bassist TM Stevens, the band set to work writing and recording the 2003 album "It Takes a Lot of Balls.
" This live show, shot in the fall of 2004 at The House of Blues in North Myrtle Beach, coincides with their live second album, as the boys lay down ten heavy blues rock tracks. You get:
01- Taken
02- Better from a Distance
03- I Don't Care
04- Crash and Burn
05- Living Alone
06- Gotta Have You
07- Turn Me On
08- Can't Escape the Fire/La La Love
09- Evil
10- Do Ya Think I'm Sexy
11- Boom, Boom
12- Keep on Rocking (bonus)