Não é a primeira vez e tenho certeza de que não será a última em que nossa toca de lobos desvairados, recebe de amigos presentes como este; que havia pedido ao Carlos apenas como uma dica pra postagem e ao abrir meu email lá estava quase a discografia completa já upada com os devidos links pra nós apreciadores do verdadeiro rock progressivo.
Não fosse o Focus talvez o Ekseption seria o ícone do rock progressivo holandês, e estaríamos hoje reverenciando os primeiros como alternativos ou raridade.
Aliás esta história é até repetitiva como no caso do Hollies por exemplo em relação aos Beatles, ou os Beach Boys tb com os besouros que acabaram ferrando com o sucesso de muita gente.
Claro que não há premeditação e sim oportunidades, as quais foram muito bem aproveitadas e no caso em questão o Focus conseguiu navegar muito melhor em águas internacionais e saiu com mais facilidade do circuito local, daí pra frente pra qqr um ocupar o espaço ficou mais difícil.
Fato consumado, graças ao Carlos aqui está a discografia deles e posso recomendar aos amantes da música que vale a pena sim, e aos que acham que conhecem o progressivo que tal tirar a prova; gostando irem repostando por aí pra que todos possamos ter mais acesso 42 anos depois, ao que faziam esses gênios desde 69.

The group started out playing jazz, pop and R&B covers. Impressed by a gig of The Nice, the members, of which the most famous is Rick van der Linden, decided to concentrate on producing classical rock, modern re-interpretations of classical works.
Most of their albums contain both original songs and re-interpreted classical pieces.

In the next few years, they were joined by drummer Tim Griek and multi-instrumentalist Rob Kruisman.
In 1965, the band name was changed to Incrowd, but that lasted only for a year, when another group named Incrowd from The Hague became famous in The Netherlands.

In 1967, Tim (later producer for Brainbox, etc.), Ton (ex-Hottletts) and both Hanses left the group.
New recruits were:
Cor Dekker (bass, ex-Hottletts), Peter de Leeuwe (drums, ex-Cuby & The Blizzards) and the group's later leader Rick van der Linden (keyboards; prior to this busy playing classical music and jazz with the Occasional Swingcombo and the Ferdinand Povel Quartet).

English group Nice (featuring the fledgling future E.L.P. stalwart Keith Emerson) set a clear example for Ekseption.
Following some years of international success, Rick left the group in 1973 to form his own Trace; still the group plodded on without him for another two albums, but due to the lack of success, ceased to exist in 1975 (just a little bit later regrouping as Spin).

Rick van der Linden (keyboards), Michel van Dijk (v, ex-Les Baroques and Island), Cor Dekker (bass), Dick Remelink (sax, flute, ex-Pocomania), Huib van Kampen (sax, guitar), Rein van den Broek (trumpet) and Peter de Leeuwe (drums, from 1969 to 1970 temporarily replaced by Dennis Whitbread, ex-Het and Profession).
Michel was replaced in 1970 by Steve Allet, ex-Ginger Ale. Huib left the group in 1970, but didn't get replaced.
Hans Jansen (keyb, ex-Think Tank), Pieter Voogt (drums, ex-Continental Uptight Band and also often with Rosa King), John Vennik (sax, fl, ex-Original City Machine), Rein, Cor and since 1974 Hans Hollestelle (guitar, ex-Toreros).
In 1975, the name of the group was changed into Spin. Rick van der Linden went to Trace, Michel van Dijk to Amsterdam, Cor Dekker also to Trace, Dick Remelink to Galaxy Lin, Rob Kruisman to Island, Peter de Leeuwe to Lion and Carlsberg, Dennis Whitbread to September, Steve Allet to Antilope, Pieter Voogt to Water.

Rein van den Broek - trumpet, flugelhorn
Rick van der Linden - keyboards
Cor Dekker - bass guitar
Peter de Leeuwe - drums, vocal
Rob Kruisman - saxophones, flute, vocal
Huib van Kampen - solo guitar, tenor sax
Dennis Whitbread (also Withbread - real name Dennis Witbraad) - drums
Dick Remelink - saxophones, flutes
Michel van Dijk - vocals
Linda van Dyck - vocals
Erik van Lier - trombone, tuba
Tony Vos - saxophones, production
Steve Allet (real name Koen Merkelbach) - vocals
Jan Vennik - saxophones, flute
Pieter Voogt - drums
Hans Jansen - keyboards
Hans Hollestelle - guitar
Max Werner - drums
Johan Slager - bass, guitar
Jan Hollestelle - bass, synthesizers, cello
Cees Kranenburg - drums, percussion
anonymous studio musicians (on Back to the Classics)

Ekseption (1969)
1."The 5th" (L. van Beethoven) [3:23]
2."Dharma For One" (I. Anderson, C. Bunker) [3:28] (later simply "Dharma")
3."Little x plus" (Ekseption) [3:31]
4."Sabre dance" (A. Khachaturian) [3:46]
5."Air" (J.S. Bach) [2:50]
6."Ritual firedance" (M. de Falla) [2:15]
7."Rhapsody in blue" (G. Gershwin) [4:00]
8."This here" (B. Timmons, J. Hendricks) [4:12]
9."Dance macabre opus 40" (C. Saint-Saens) [2:21]
10."Canvas" (B. Bennett) [2:28]
Beggar Julia's Time Trip (1970)
1."Ouverture" (R. van der Linden) [3:22]
2."Prologue" (R. van der Linden, L. van Dijck) [2:21]
3."Julia" (R. van der Linden, M. van Dijk) [2:21]
4."Flying power" (R. van der Linden) [:31]
5."Adagio" (T.Albinoni, R. Giazotto) [3:45]
6."Space I" (J.S. Bach) [:44]
7."Italian concerto" (J.S. Bach) [4:59]
8."Concerto" (P.I. Tchaikovsky) [3:52]
9."Space II" (R. van der Linden) [:26]
10."Pop giant" (R. van der Linden, M. van Dijk) [3:54]
11."Space III" (R. van der Linden) [:22]
12."Feelings" (R. van der Linden) [3:09]
13."Epilogue" (R. van der Linden, L. van Dijck) [:57]
14."Finale" [3:55] (a) Music for mind (R. van der Linden) (b) Theme Julia (R. van der Linden, M. van Dijk)
Ekseption 3 (1971)
1."Peace planet" (J.S. Bach) [3:32]
2."B 612" (R. van der Linden, W. Luikinga) [4:08]
3."Morning rose" (R. van der Linden, W. Luikinga) [3:04]
4."Piece for symphonic and rock group in A minor" (R. van der Linden, W. Luikinga) [5:53] (a) Part one: Passacaglia (b) Part two: Painting
5."The lamplighter" (J.S. Bach) [3:01]
6."Bottle mind" (R. van der Linden) [2:45]
7."On sunday they will kill the world" (S. Rachmaninoff, W. Luikinga) [3:26]
8."Another history" (R. van der Linden, M. van Dijk) [4:37]
9."Rondo (L. von Beethoven) [5:25]
Ekseption 00.04 (1971)
1."Ave Maria" (J.S. Bach, C.H. Gounod) [2:34]
2."Body party" (R. van der Linden) [3:32]
3."Monlope" (J. Smith, R. van der Linden) [4:58]
4."Monkey dance" (R. van der Linden) [2:41]
5."Choral" (R. van der Linden) [4:02]
6."Partita No. 2 in C minor" (J.S. Bach) [5:45]
7."Piccadilly sweet" (R. van der Linden) [13:27]
Ekseption 5 (1972)
1."Introduction" (L. van Beethoven) [:35]
2."Siciliano in G" (J.S. Bach) [3:20]
3."Vivace" (J.S. Bach) [5:16]
4."For example / for sure" (K. Emerson, R. van der Linden) [9:03]
5."Virginal" (R. van der Linden) [4:30]
6."A la turka" (W.A. Mozart) [2:26]
7."Midbar session" (R. van der Linden) [10:03]
8."Pie" (R. van der Linden) [1:30]
9."My son" (R. van der Linden) [5:12]
10."Finale" (L. van Beethoven) [3:40]
Trinity (1973)
1."Toccata" (J.S. Bach) [5:16]
2."The peruvian flute" (Traditional) [8:04]
3."Dreams" (T. Vos) [1:32]
4."Smile" (R. van der Linden) [2:53]
5."Lonely chase" (R. van der Linden) [3:10]
6."Romance" (L. von Beethoven) [3:30]
7."Improvisation" (R. van der Linden) [9:01]
8."Meddle" (R. van der Linden) [1:07]
9."Flight of the bumble bee" (N. Rimsky-Kosakov) [3:22]
10."Finale III" (R. van der Linden) [2:50]
Bingo (1974)
1."From Ekseption" (H. Jansen, J. Vennik) [9:05]
2."Nightwalk" (J. Vennik) [3:45]
3."Smokey sunset" (H. Jansen) [5:11]
4."De fietser" (J. Vennik) [1:51]
5."Sabre dance" (A. Katchaturian) [2:56]
6."Brother rabbit" (R. van den Broek) [3:26]
7."Sunny revival" (H. Jansen, J. Vennik) [3:50]
8."The death of Ase" (E. Grieg) [2:20]
9."Bingo-bingo" (H. Jansen, J. Vennik) [6:40]
Mindmirror (1975)
1."Pick up the pieces" (R. Ball, H. Stuart, A. Gorie, M. Duncan, R. McIntosh) [6:05]
2."Bourree" (J.S. Bach) [3:14]
3."Tramontane" (P. Souer) [4:17]
4."Electric swamp" (H. Hollestelle) [4:04]
5."Ramses" (R. Shaffy) [1:00]
6."Mindmirror" (J. Vennik, H. Jansen) [17:28]
Back to the Classics (1976)
1."Sonata in F" (A. Vivaldi) [5:20]
2."Ave Maria" (F. Schubert) [4:53]
3."Eine kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade nr. 13 in G K.525)" (W.A. Mozart) [4:13]
4."Clarinet concerto in A" (W.A. Mozart) [4:25]
5."Violin concerto in E minor, Op.64" (F. Mendelssohn) [5:00]
6."Have mercy on me (Erbarme Dich)" (J.S.Bach) [6:57]
7."Flute sonata nr.5 in F" (G.F. Händel) [4:53]
8."Theme from Abdelazer" (H. Purcell) [3:58]
9."The Moldau (Ma Vlast)" (B. Smetana) [6:51]
Spin (as 'Spin, 1976)
Whirlwind (as Spin, 1977)
Ekseption '78 (1978)
1."Again" (J.S. Bach) [2:22]
2."Your home" (R. van der Linden) [4:47]
3."Wild flower" (R. van der Linden, R van den Broek) [3:17]
4."Signal" (R. van der Linden, R van den Broek) [4:10]
5."Pearl" (G. F. Händel) [2:22]
6."Thoughts" (R van den Broek) [3:53]
7."Summertime" (G. Gershwin) [2:20]
8."Nocturne" (J.S. Bach) [3:35]
9."Impromptu" (F. Schubert) [2:48]
10."The cat" (L. Schiffrin) [3:19]
11."Jesu joy" (J.S. Bach) [3:02]
12."Faith" (R. van der Linden) [3:21]
Dance Macabre (1981)
1."The Fifth Symphony" (L. von Beethoven) [3:02]
2."Italian Concerto" (J.S. Bach) [2:50]
3."Air" (J.S. Bach) [4:07]
4."Rhapsody In Blue" (G. Gershwin) [4:06]
5."Peace Planet" (J.S. Bach) [3:26]
6."Sabre Dance" (A. Khatchaturian) [4:06]
7."Concerto" (P.I Tchaikowsky) [4:06]
8."Danse De Feu" (M. De Falla) [2:46]
9."Adagio" (A. Albinoni, , R. Giazotto) [3:40]
10."Dance Macabre" (Saint-Saens) [2:20]
11."Haydn" (J. Haydn) [2:51]
12."Conchorus" (R. van der Linden) [4:45]
Ekseption '89 (1989)
1."Spooky" [3:35]
2."Ekseptional" [3:30]
3."Pure" [3:35]
4."Air" (J.S. Bach) [4:07]
5."Flying fingers" [3:59]
6."Happiness" [2:44]
7."The artists" [3:02]
8."Haydn" (J. Haydn) [3:05]
9."Just for you" [2:28]
10."Drawbars" [2:52]
11."Jola" [5:04]
12."The Fifth" (L. van Beethoven) [3:17]
13."Marlene" [3:23]
14."Peace planet" (J.S. Bach) [3:29]
15."Harmony" [2:39]
16."A believe" [3:07]
17."My pianoman" (J.S. Bach) [2:38]
The Reunion (1994, live)
01. Toccata – 5’23
02. Your Home – 4’51
03. Peace Planet – 3’43
04. Concerto – 4’02
05. Haydn – 3’08
06. Air – 3’57
07. Rhapsody In Blue – 4’45
08. Thoughts – 3’57
09. Summertime – 2’50
10. For Example – 9’43
11. The Fifth – 3’12
12. Italian Concerto – 4’03
13. Sabre Dance – 3’35
14. My Pianoman – 2’45
Obs: Como existem outros álbuns e dos que o Carlos me enviou (aliás são dele como me disse) nessa lista ficaram de fora dois, só acrescentei os links pra completar a bela idéia que ele me deu e todo o restante do trabalho.
Tentei abrilhantar com releases sobre a banda e fotos originais pra os mais curiosos como eu mesmo e aproveitem, prq links como estes não sei não,rs